Who likes to work out?

I don’t think I have seen this topic here before but exercise is a very important pat of my life. I get busy and go through cycles of being on and off, but I am making a serious effort this year to be consistent. I promised myself that I would allow 10 minutes a day to workout. It is easy to justify and skip a 20-40 minute workout due to lack of time, but seriously, who doesn’t have 10 minutes? I can’t really convince myself that I don’t so before I shower I do a quick workout. The beautiful thing is that knowing it is 10 minutes it is hard to skip, but once I start, I might do a 20 minute or more workout. I am all about doing it fast and getting results. Some days and weeks are better than others, but I have been exercising consistently on a weekly basis. My kids are moving more too. Because we homeschool, it is easy for the kids to be a bit sedentary.

I thought I would share an awesome exercise DVD that I have been using lately and getting wonderful results. Tamilee Webb has a dvd called I Want That Body. I picked it up at my library and love it because the workouts are 15 minutes long. Once again, hard to convince myself I don’t have 15 minutes for results. I used to be a personal trainer and have been exercising for a long time, so I am not a rookie. However, the first buns workout on her tape is amazing. She really drills you to keep your weight in your heels on all the exercises. This little alteration on exercises I have been doing forever has made an incredible difference. I couldn’t do the whole workout the first time, which fueled my fire to persist. Each time I do it my legs are fried. I love it! I can do the whole 15 minute workout now and every time I do it my glutes(butt) are sore for the next 2 days. I can’t think of another workout that does that. Tamilee claims to be an expert on training the glutes and I would have to agree that she is. I am noticing that my legs are solid after about 8 times doing this workout and my husband claims my butt feels firmer. :slight_smile: That is definitely a plus.

If anyone has any other awesome workouts to share that are fast and effective I would love to know. Our whole family is getting more active and it is nice to have a variety to choose from. It is also inspiring to hear what everyone else is doing. Chime in people!

I workout about 5 days a week. I wouldn’t say I like it, but I like that it keeps me in shape and insures my future health. I love working out with the Wii. My favorite games are Gym Cardio Workout (it’s shape boxing, which is a great workout and stress-reliever!) and EA Sports Active 2. I have just about every workout game on Wii, but those are the 2 I use pretty much all the time b/c I can get intense workouts with them. I bought the Wii just to work out with it, and I am so glad I did. I think it would be a great investment for a family b/c most of the games get you moving even if they aren’t fitness games.
I also love Gunnar Peterson’s Core Secrets DVDs. They aren’t sold anymore, but you can probably still find them on ebay or Amazon. You use a stability ball and hand weights for most of them. Some of the more advance DVDs also use medicine ball and training ladder. Anyways, they are so much fun and work out your core really well even if you aren’t trying to focus on your core.

Awesome! Thanks for the tips. Our friends bought us a Wii so the kids could do Wii Fit, I have never used it but I will have to see if we have the ones your recommended. I have also seen Gunnar’s stuff before but never used it. Maybe I can find them at my library. :slight_smile:

Wii fit is pretty low intensity for most of the exercises, so it would be good for kids. But if you want to burn serious calories, you should look for other games. And a lot of them have the option to do a short workout when you don’t have much time :slight_smile:

I also use the wii to workout with the Gym Cardio Workout. For more intense workouts my husband watches my baby and I run 5 miles around a lake at a nearby park. I am motivated to run faster than before I had my baby because he can only be away from me for so long. A couple times I got a call on my cell phone and he was crying so I had to turn around and as soon as I was in his view he started laughing. I also do pilates and have purchased some workout equipment ab coaster, the perfect sit up and the arm shake weight. I also use a wheel with handle bars that you roll out on while on your knees. I really love the wheel because it targets my core. I try to run once a week, do intense workout 4 times a week and pilates 3 times a week. The workout dvd set that is my favorite is the P90X. There about 20 dvds targeting specific areas and a pilates workout.

I have done a few of the P90X workouts. Wow! Those are tough. I couldn’t wait for the time to be done. I kept looking at the timer going backwards convincing myself that I could finish. My sister has them. I should ask her to borrow them again.

I just ordered one of The Firm videos. I used to have it when I lived in Belize. That workout kicked my butt. It was worth its weight in gold. It is like having a personal trainer there pushing you to places you didn’t think you could go. There is a lot of focus on legs and butt plus upper body. It does not have abs, that was the only downside. It is called Tough Tape and it is tough. I got it from Ebay for about $10. I am just waiting for it to arrive. I used to do it when I was pregnant with one of my kids. I am hoping I can still do it. :slight_smile:

The best work out is playing with your kids…believe me!! my daughter uses me as a horse, as a bunny, as a tree…you name it!We dance a lot, using emotions like let’s dance silly…and we do very silly stuff…then sad…then mad…then scared…then excited(this is my favorite).We also go for one hours walks often…we play simon says run…walk…jump…fly…etc.

Well don’t think that I am a crazy mom that evrything does with the kids…pretty much 95% of the time but I also like to do stuff on my own peace…right? I really enjoy going for a run at least three times a week on summer but on long winters I go to the gym twice a week for about 4o minutes to do some cardio…lets say I have a 5% of freedom : )

Oh AND we do yoga with my kid as well maybe once a week…in summer we do more yoga at the backyard …it is beautiful.

My physical terapis says that wii helps a lot…but for us I don’t think is an option, we prefer stay away from that and enjoy our activities.

I used Wii too!! I have Wii Fit Plus and also EA Sport Actives 2. Both games are awesome. I needed a good workout program because I gained LOTS OF WEIGHTS when I was pregnant. I was around 117 lbs before I was pregnant and after I delivered my son, I was 184 lbs!!

After 2.5 years of chasing an active toddler, and a strong commitment to a good diet program, I am now 109 lbs. I am so happy!

I actually hate to work out. Its not fun nor enjoyable for me at all. But then that maybe due to having thyroid disease and lack of energy due to thyroid disease. I’d do anything to lose the weight and feel great but it doesn’ t matter if I do I feel like garbage no matter what anymore.
We have a Wii and the Wii fit. pretty low intensity. I really don’t play the Wii very often at all. I would maybe look into the Biggest Loser Wii game. If you want a good workout on DVD I HIGHLY recommend the Biggest Loser DVDs. Those will give you the workout of your life.

I have the Biggest Loser workouts for Wii. I haven’t played the second one yet b/c the first one was only ok in my opinion. I love EA Sports Active 2 so much, I don’t think much can compare.

Move it or lose it! The moto is true. I can’t say that I love to work out but I do. Nobody else will do it for me. I have an elliptical machine for the winter, some workout DVDs and my dog Jake. Jake loves to walk in any weather. Well he resists 20 below, but who doesn’t? Somewhere in all of that I attempt to keep healthy.

Make it part of your routine, a habit you can’t shake. I’m doing something 6 days a week. I’ve seen what an unhealthy lifestyle can do to a family. Be encouraged. You are not just doing it for yourself; you are doing it for your kids and future grandkids.


PS: You can see Jake on the KinderBach videos on YouTube. He is the ‘music pattern dog’ :slight_smile: