Who has started to teach reading at 2.5 years old?

I have a daughter about 2.5 years old. We started LR and LM a month ago. She is watching LR, but I really do not see any results yet. Is it to early to expect any results? We are on the day 20 already. I do not see that she can recognize any word, what we leant before. If you started to teach teading at the same age, when did you notice some improvement? How long does it take? May be I have to do something else exept LR on computer. LM she doesn’t like at all and does not understand any concept even for small quantities like 2 or 3. I still continue to show LM, we are on the day 20, but if she didn’t catch the idea of small quantities, do I need to waist time and continiue our lessons or better to go back and work with small quantities. I will appreciate any advices. I see very many good results if you start at early age, but what can we do if we started that not so early.

Do not loose hope and please never give up teaching your child, you are just in a month of giving her the lesson besides being in that age of 2.5 toddlers are easily get distracted by any single thing that surrounds them, if she seem not improving for another week or so try to add variety aside from LM and LR. Do some little effort like making a self made flash cards or better yet try to postpone the lesson for a meantime maybe she is not that comfortable yet from the new learning she is acquiring through LR and LM… who knows one day you’ll see her showing interest. Don’t loose hope take it as a challenge… go! mommy :slight_smile:

Dear Natacia,

I am teaching my 2 years old girl, she is good in picture but not word. I am using the flash card whereby I made it by myself. How I kick on my teaching to her is step by step and I included the method of shichida, doman, and Montessori. I think they like new stuff everyday and they will bored if you keep doing the same teaching skill all the way down, say 3 weeks continue. Everyday, I try to work out something new to her! Ops ! A very important notes is that do not teach your baby when her mood is black !

I have post my all teaching material on my blog.

Please refer to http://littlemommy2012.blogspot.com/

I have read stories for my sweet Chloe when she’s still in her momma’s womb! We enjoy teaching her together! And now, a brilliant sweet little Chloe!

We could go around and around in circles so maybe we should get the thread back on topic…

@Natacion - my daughter is 2 years 2 months old. We started on the early learning journey in February so just a little before you. We are on day 76 of LR & LM. I haven’t noticed her learning any words, but there have been many changes in the last few months. Firstly, and most importantly, she has developed a thirst for learning. Her vocabularly has developed and she tried to use the new words in the lessons in conversation. We have been working on letter sounds and letter names and she is now obsessed with them! She has demonstrated that she knows a few words by sight and I’m sure she knows many more, I just haven’t tested her.

With regard to maths, I don’t know how much she is getting out of LM. She constantly looks away from the screen and shows very little interest, although her number concept has developed. We count lots throughout the day, e.g. the stairs, her fingers and on an abacus.

The only advice I have for you is keep going! It’s hard in the beginning but just have fun with it. A wise parent on here once said to me ‘focus on input, not output’ (sorry, I can’t remember who said it right now, I just wanted to share it). I try to have this as my motto and just have fun with our activities. Just know that your daughter WILL read and do maths eventually, it’s just a matter of time and patience.

Best of luck and keep going! You’ll find so much fantastic advice on here and lots of support when you need it.

My son will be 2.5 in a few weeks. He started to read with the whole language approach. He started to read words to me before his second birthday. My son was speech delayed and his SLP at the time was trying to teach him to speak with a whole word approach rather than breaking down the words phonetically. Even though he was unable to speak he could read whole words and speak them to me flawlessly.

At about 26 months I introduced phonics sounds. Currently he knows all his single letter phonics, his digraphs and his blends. But decoding is hit and miss. If he has a limited number of letters he can create the word through trial and error. For example he will be given a c t. He will mix the letters around until he makes the word cat. But he only knows it is cat when the letters are all together because he recognises it as a whole word. sounding it out is challenging and frustrating for him. Some don’t push it.

Teaching my son initially with whole words however has given him reading fluency much faster then plodding along with phonics instruction. He can read basical high frequency word books. I will continue to use both methods to teach him. But I don’t think one method is better than the other. But I do believe that whole word is easier for younger children until they can get to that point where they can decode.

As for maths. My son is currently doing basic arithmetic with maniulatives. I have demphasised counting and emphasized subtitizing to teach him. We are loosely following a Rightstart Math.

Please note that I am going to split this thread as the original topic has gotten derailed. You will shortly find a new topic to discuss ReadingWhispers’s method under Product Discussions and Reviews, Please put all further comments about the method there so we can get back to the original question. My apologies that I did not get to this sooner.