To answer the specific questions:
- Did you have monkey bars built for your child? I purchased a set.
- Were they the size recommended by Doman or smaller? Yes, the only exception is the entire unit is 8" taller than the Doman Specs.
- How many times a day did they do it? At the beginning, 1 time per day, now, only 1 time per week.
- What benefits did you see, which you believe came from brachiation itself? None.
I bought a used Brachiation ladder that was made almost exactly to the Doman specs. I paid $200 Canadian for it. It was a little taller than I expected and won’t fit inside my house, so it is my heated garage (that is attached to my house). I have owned it for about 8 months, I acquired it when my daughter was 3.5 and my son was about 7 months. And… the results are not pretty.
My daughter will sort of play around on it, sometimes, but is basically uninterested. I keep trying a variety of activities but they have all failed. I will keep trying, but I have stopped holding my breath.
My son is even less interested than my daughter. He will hang on a piece of dowel if I am holding the dowel, but he cries and refuses to use the brachiation ladder.
I have tried to brachiate on it myself, but there are a few difficulties: Doman’s ladders are not really long enough for an adult to get a good swing/momentum going before you run out of ladder. I don’t find the Doman ladder that sturdy, it needs more bracing. It is very difficult to spot another adult. My ladder is adjustable, but it takes some effort and is a 2 person job, so it isn’t that easy for me to brachiate, and then lower it for my daughter to brachiate.
Have I given up? No, I still try at the beginning of every week to somehow convince some kid. Do I think it was worth it? Sorry, no. I wish it was. I wish it had worked out the way Doman said, but my reality was very different. Of course, I still hold hope that one day soon it will all come together, if only I keep trying
Just for a reference point, I did teach my daughter to read, she could read at age 2, and now at age 4 is reading at an grade 3 level. I did teach my daughter to swim, at 4 years old she can do a basic front and back crawl. I am currently teaching my son to read, and at 15 months he shows signs of understanding about 10 words. So, my failure at the brachiation ladder isn’t for my lack of ability or trying. If I had to choose between a teaching a kid brachiation or teaching a kid swimming - I think the swimming is cheaper and easier.