Whiz Kid, 11, Navigates College Life

via ABC News (America)

Whiz Kid, 11, Navigates College Life
By Lawrence Dechant | ABC News Blogs – 1 hour 24 minutes ago

[video available at link below]

He is a regular Doogie Howser, though he probably won’t know much about the iconic television character played by Neil Patrick Harris in the early 90s, because he is only 11-years-old.

Carson Huey-You is a lot like Howser in the sense they are both heralded as boy wonders, because both entered college at age 10.

Carson was accepted to Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, last year and has already begun his freshman year. According to school officials, he could possibly be the youngest in university history.

“I really, really like school, and in particular solving problems,” Carson told ABCNews.com.

He chose physics as his major because he “likes numbers,” he said.

“Creating random problems and solving these problems helps calms me down when I’m upset or need to relax,” Carson said.

Though he is a big man on campus now, his mother, Claretta Huey-You, said she is constantly at her son’s side, making sure he is being taken care of.

“I am sure that any mother knows having children, driving them to and from school, and cooking and cleaning, is very exhausting, but it’s a mother’s job and we love it and we do what we need to do,” Claretta told ABCNews.com. “That being said, I walk him to the door and make sure he enters safely,
and I am never far away. I always have a bird’s-eye view of the door and make sure he is okay. I am right there when he exits, and never go into the classroom while he is in class.”

Claretta said she home-schooled Carson until he was 5 years old and knew his educational fast track was imminent. By the time he was 2, he could add, subtract, multiply and divide, she said.

“By the time he was 5, he could do algebra. And it was a challenge because I knew this was coming and it happened very fast,” Claretta said. “After I home-schooled him for five years, I enrolled him in a private school and he went straight into the eighth grade.”

To aid in Carson’s success and also provide guidance and a safe haven, Dr. Magnus Rittby, senior associate dean and professor of physics and astronomy, has been appointed to guide Carson in his latest endeavors.

“When people worried about him going to college at this age, my response is, ‘What else would he do?’” Rittby told WFAA. “I think students will learn from him. If an 11-year-old can stand up in the classroom and voice his opinion about things, maybe that will encourage them to do the same thing.”
Carson said his fellow students have been very helpful, receptive and welcoming. And being in college has been “exciting,” he said.

“Just being on campus, learning new material, figuring problems, everything in that area is great,” Carson said.
Claretta said her son will embark on the normal four-year track to obtaining his bachelor’s degree.

“I am not rushing him because he has a lot of time,” she said. “I wanted to make sure this experience is the best of his life. He is going to be in the chemistry club and science-based clubs so he can have some fun time, but during this four-year period I do not plan on rushing him, but then again, I have not been able to halt or stop him.”

Watching Star Wars and playing video games with his brother and friends is his favorite pastime, he said. But he manages to balance both school and fun, saying he has “the best of two worlds.”

As for his future, Claretta said Carson is determined to earn his Ph.D. in physics and wants to do research to “discover something huge that will impact our way of life and better our planet.”

“We understand his gift is a big responsibility,” she said. “But even though he has this gift, I want people to know first and foremost that I am so proud of him and that he is a good little boy. He is very humble, very kind and caring and yet he is truly intelligent. Even though he is in college, I just really want people to know what a good little boy he is and what a great big brother he is as well.”


Thank you so much for sharing! I love that it says that she homeschooled UNTIL age 5, and lists his early accomplishments.

I’m curious about his GPA and his SAT/ACT scores. Usually, accelerated kids could get by with mediocre GPAs (~3.0 or thereabout) and/or test scores just because they want to finish quickly. Some do have exceptional GPAs and/or test scores, though. My concern about acceleration (especially for my kids) is whether or not the acceleration takes toll on GPAs and test scores, which ultimately affect his/her eligibility to enrolling to top universities. I’d rather take some time and get my kids to ace their GPAs and test scores so that they can get to top unis.

I would LOVE to know what a day’s schedule of teaching looked like when he was two years old. If she accomplished this with her son it would help others know what things “worked”. I am always on the look out for new ideas that WORK. :yes:

The video said his SAT was in the 1700’s.

I see. SAT of 1700’s out of 2400 isn’t very impressive for a highschooler, but for a 11 year old, that’s very good.

Okay, who wants to track Mom down and invite her here? I’m sure she’d be thrilled! Maybe another guest post thread is in order if she is willing? I’m a bit frustrated that I have so little time and opportunity these days to get online or I’d do it myself (I’m on my phone now) but wow what an opportunity to pick her brain if someone can reach out to her!

Yes I agree would LOVE someone to track her down and hear anything she has to say!!! I just dont know how to track her down. I put in her name in the google search and all that keeps coming up is the article that is recent. I will keep watching this thread in case she pops up : ) In the mean time I will just keep watching for Daddudes post and pokerdad :smiley:


This article gives Dad’s name and we know they live in/near fort worth, TX. It also mentions Sam Hong, another child of a similar caliber. And as a last resort we can always contact one of both of the news reporters and ask them to pass along someone’s contact info…maybe they’ll do a piece our beloved forum next lol

and another


I was able to locate Dad’s work email and contact info, but I’d prefer to reach out to Mom directly. Of course, please don’t post any contact details online for their the sake of their privacy.

oh and two more articles, the second with another whiz kid listed

Hello there,
If anybody is still interested, I happen to be the family’s friend. The boys are truly lovely, well behaved and all. Carson’s little brother is my child’s friend, was in 2nd grade a few weeks ago but now transfered to 8th grade at the private school. (Same school where Carson graduated from)
I don’t know the exact GPA but I do know Carson is a valedictorian from his high school.

Oh yes WE are ALL still interested! Do you think you could invite them to here? Please, please pretty please!

Yes, will gladly invite her, stay tuned :slight_smile:

And should I ask her to start in the guest forum?

Gosh we will take her anyway we can! :smiley: not fussy, just be sure to get our attention, PM all the moderators if you like lol

Very very interested.

One of my favorite threads was Robert Levy’s. Parents of older kids sharing their experience is oh so valuable to our community! I can’t wait seeing his mom here in the forum!

Interested to hear from Carson’s mom as well.

Hello guys, not such good news here :frowning:
I’m sorry to say that Claretta has been advised not to give information about Carson’s Upbringings at this time. She said maybe later when they don’t get so much media attention.
Sorry again, I’m bummed too.

We understand. Saddened but understanding.
Please let her know she is welcome here anytime to offer non specific advice or just to join in and chat. It is possible we can learn from her without causing any problems or giving too much away.
Maybe even you could ask some EL questions and get some idea of what she did in a way that can be shared?
Anyway THANKS SO MUCH for trying! We appreciate it!

I can’t help being somewhat horrified by this. The media attention on the kid (who emotionally must be just a kid), parents worried and “advised” not to share anything on their educational methods… I think of my own children and all the children in this forum, who read early, do math early, play violin or piano amazingly, but outside that they are normal (and tiny, and sensitive, and immature) children… Would we ever consider allowing such a circus around our children? Or making money from it? I guess most of us would not. This is not the point of EL or acceleration. But this is just my humble and personal opinion, maybe I don’t know the full story.