While pregnant - what did you do?

I didn’t know about any prenatal education while pregnant with my daughter and am just interested to know what other parents did to stimulate their unborn baby?

I did often sing and talk to my baby and I know the songs I sang to her then she still loves. I also played a lullaby CD occassionally, but that was about it. What did you do and did it have any effect on your baby now?

sent loving thoughts, listened to a lot of soothing music (as I do anyway) and sang!

I think you did the most important stuff alread, Tanikit!

Apart from Baby Plus, we also played the ‘kicking feedback’ game (where we would push back if she kicked at a spot), and also massaging her through the belly.

But generally, just lots of talking and singing and music.

we did talk a lot and some times sing for her and read story for her. i do share her and introduce her important places

Read read and read. To my little one we also talked to her quite a bit and told her constantly howmuch we lovd her and how much she is wanted by us. I also played alot of music to her.

I did a lot of the same as those above. I also tried very hard to stay positive and keep positive emotions in my system. I have heard that getting upset and angry all the time could be bad for the developing fetus.

With my wife, for auditive estimulation we talked and we sang a lot to him, i often telled him fairy tales. Listened classical music (Mozart, beethoven,Tchaikovsky, etc) also we used to dance to the music rythm to estimulate the vestibular system.

Lying in bed from time to time my wife turn over one side so he must acomodote in the womb.

At week 34 we started to estimulate him brifly with a flashlight, always telling him “this is light, you must not be afraid, daddy and mommy are here and love you, light is good… etc”

Before sleeping i used to put my hand over my wife belly to felt him move (he was very very active at night), i always talked to him mentally, sending him all my love with my thoughts, it was inevitable that some tears run out of me… it’s was a wondeful time. :slight_smile:


Dear All,

When we learned I was expecting twins via ultrasound because the blood tests were inconclusive, and they were 11 weeks old, my husband almost fainted, and I almost fell off the table. :slight_smile: Because my husband participated in scientific research symposiums related to embryonic developmental stages mentioned in the Qur’an over 1,400 years ago, and co-authored a book with other world renowned scientists, such as Dr. Keith Moore, E Marshall Johnson, Gerald C Goeringer, Joe Lee Simpson, and T. V. N. Persaud, I had a greater appreciation for the two lives inside of me.

So, I made sure that we ate healthy, relaxed and stayed positive, waked as much as possible, and prepared our house for their arrival. I also listened to Qur’anic recitation (hearing is the first sense to develop in a fetus). I lovingly rubbed my (large stomach) very often and would talk to “Baby A” (Sarah) and “Baby B” (Salma) constantly. We also would “tickle” their feet and would laugh when they would kick back. And when one was a sleep, the other would be awake - and they are the same today. :slight_smile: I was fortunate that my husband was very helpful with cooking/housework during the pregnancy. And he also accompanied me to all of many doctor’s visits in which we would have very in depth discussions with the doctors and staff because of his previous research. And in between doctor’s visits, I would eagerly follow the pictorial stages of development by week because I was fascinated, and still am, with the miracle of life.

I firmly believe that because I ate very healthy during the pregnancy following the Zone nutritional program and taking Omega 3’s (www.drsears.com) that the pregnancy was excellent and was above average according to our perinatologist. I also know that the Qur’anic recitation had/and still has a calming effect, as mentioned in the extract of an article below:

5. Recite the Qur’an: The Prophet (SAW) said, “… Qur’an is a remedy for illnesses of the mind” (Bukhari). “The echo of sound has a medical effect and is now widely utilized,” says Dr. Greenberg. “The recitation of or listening to the Qur’an has an effect on the body, the heart and the mind! It is said that the [Arabic] letter Alif echoes to the heart and the [Arabic] letter Ya’ to the pineal gland in the brain. Dr Ahmed El Kadi [M.D. of Internal Medicine] of Akber Clinic (Panama City, FL) conducted [medical research] and published the effects of listening to Qur’anic recitation on physiological parameters (i.e., the heart, blood pressure, and muscle tension), and reported improvement in all factors, irrespective of whether the listener was a Muslim or a non-Muslim, Arab or non-Arab. Obviously, it can be postulated that those who understand and enjoy the recitation with a belief in it will get maximum benefits,” writes Dr Athar.

Athar, Shahid, MD. “Modern Stress and Its Cure From Qur’an.” www.islam-usa.com.

Greenberg, Jerrold S. CSM = Comprehensive Stress Management. WCB: McGraw-Hill. 1999.

source > http://survivorsareus.com/index.cfm/Need_to_relax_and_clear_your_mind[/i]

Also, following their birth at 37 weeks + 3 days (excellent for twins), they did very well. We currently all eat in The Zone and we are rarely ill, alhamdlillah, masha’Allah. We get many comments that the girls are some of the calmest children with the longest attention spans that others have encountered.

However, with the more I learn, the more I realize how much I do not know. And I wish I had known about this site and IAHP at the time of our pregnancy. However, the girls at 19 months will still benefit from their early education that we have begun.

Life is truly miraculous.

  • Ayesha

I ate sushi almost daily. I also had salads with feta cheese very almost daily. I drank Redbull a few times. I had FroYo at least once a week. My LO came out fine but I’d never encourage others to do the same because everyone is different and it could take a small contamination for things to go horribly wrong for someone else’s pregnancy/life.

I walked everywhere, strolled and just got out and get fresh air. Listened to music and inspirational podcast as I walked, and strike up positive conversations with people around me.
Just be generally happy and content.