Which type of toys encourages creativity in kids?

Hi everyone,
I am Darreno and I have something to share with you. It is not so much to look on this matter but I want some opinion on this.
It’s amazing how much children can grasp right from a young age. Encouraging creativity in a child is one of the things every parent should do. Toys which encourage creativity in kids can be broadly classified into three main categories - arts, crafts and music. They commonly involve hands-on activities like making a craft project, painting, coloring, drawing, clay modeling etc.

Kids Science kits

I think the encouragement of creativity needs to go a lot further than providing the materials for creative manipulation. It is the attitude towards your child’s creativity that will encourage them to keep experimenting or to take the safe and known path.

Whether it’s making up songs or drawing a picture, using modelling clay or creating a story, I believe the most important idea we can give children is that there is no right or wrong when it is your creation, it is not maths where the answer to 1+1 is always 2.

I think we need to make sure that they believe that we think their ideas are good ideas so that they will continue to be creative.

Humans are born creative naturally. We aren’t born with preconceptions about what should be done with paint or modelling clay or a piano. But we are born with the desire to find out what we can do.

As long as this desire to experiment and try new things is encouraged children will maintain their natural creativeness and their natural desire to find out what will happen if I do this? The scientist in the toddler can’t help but creatively wonder what will happen if…

I hope that I can encourage my son to shape his thoughts and feelings with whatever materials I give him without a preconceived notion of what it should look like at the end before he has even started.

Sorry this post is a bit all over the place - I’ve been burning the candle at both ends and am less than coherent!!!

simplest and cheapest.