Which tablet for early learners? (if at all!)

We are considering purchasing a tablet for family use but I was wondering whether it’s a good idea to let the 2 y. o. use it too. Only for learning, no games etc.

I have the book “Montessori at home” and as far as I understand Apple Ipad is supposed to have the most (and best?) early learning apps.

Is that true? Is it worth to spend so much more for an ipad instead of a generic (Android?) tablet? (Our budget is a bit tight!).

So my first question is: which tablet should we choose?

And another question: do you let your toddlers use a tablet?If you do, do you regret it? I’m concerned my child will become too obsessed with technology or antisocial… I guess I have seen too many teenagers locked in their bedroom playing video games for a whole sunny weekend!

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

The iPad still has far superior apps. Better quality and larger quantity in general.
The other advantage of an iPad is that it will last quite a long time. My son has an iPad 2. That model was released in early 2011. And it is still relevant. I can’t say the same from many alternative devices that have been released in the last few years. Even though there is an initial higher cost with an iPad I believe if is worth it.

I got an iPad just a little before my son turned 2. He never really used if much. If he was to use it, he was never unsupervised. And we only used it for learning apps. It was really my iPad.
Last year I got a newer iPad and my son got to keep my original one. He now 5. One thing I do is lock the screen with a simple passcode. He is unable to play the iPad unless I or my husband unlock it. I have restrictions so that he can’t use any of the camera features, the internet or install and delete apps. I believe I have amazon streaming on there. But I don’t have it logged in, so he can’t mindlessly watch shows.
I keep only educational apps on the iPad. No games, ever. So he has never gotten used to playing any games. Nor has he been really exposed to them. I will monitor his time using the iPad but I have not had to really restrict it much at all. He mostly uses it for ebooks, math apps and audio books. I let him take it to bed each night so that he can read, or listen to a book before he goes to sleep. Some days he won’t play the apps at all. Other days he might play for an hour.
If I see any signs of him taking the iPad for granted I will just confiscate it. He knows this.

Thank you so much for you reply Korrale4kq! I didn’t know about the possibility to lock the screen or use restrictions. Sounds useful!

We use an iPad in our house (we have two in fact). We also have the blackberry tablet and the kindle but iPad works best with my toddler.
My son uses it for a very limited time and with supervision. I was not a big fan of tablets for children but for us, the good outweighs the bad. Case in point: I spent a lot of money buying a good quality Montessori World Puzzle Map. My son mastered it in minutes and he wanted similar puzzles given his interest in the world map. I bought some apps by http://www.mobilemontessori.org/ (I really like the apps for the most part). While he memorized most of the world map (from a physical map), thanks to those lovely apps, he is able “solve” various continent puzzle maps for a fraction of the price and less clutter at home. In the hardcore Montessori way, it isn’t the same but this adaptation works for me.
My only suggestion with the iPad is to buy the largest screen and most memory one can afford. I use my iPad a lot more than I planned.

At home my 7yo uses a 7 inch Samsung Galaxy. At his school they use 7 inch Ipads and sometimes the 10 inch version. Since it is a Montessori school they have a lot of Montessori apps. I haven’t been able to find those apps for Android. Normally I would say buy an Android tablet, however in this case I have to say definitely Ipad.

I myself own a 10 Inch Samsung tablet and find it very useful for showing BIT cards as a powerpoint to my 6 week old baby girl. Since the screen is very bright she finds it very interesting and keeps her attention longer than the printed version of the cards.
The 7 inch version is easier to handle for those little hands, but the 10 inch is great for showing BIT cards.

Early learners why they are going for tablets. As a Kids School Franchise my suggestion it is too bad to take. If you want to take tablets means get some advice from your doctor before taking.

Great to know about the Montessori Apps! We’re saving up for an iPad for speech apps and school use and I’m glad to hear some of this info. I figure the good will outweigh the bad, ,as someone else said, if we are mindful about it.

For those in favour of ipads, would you suggest an ipad mini (lighter and easier for small hands) or the regular size (larger fonts/bigger screen)?

I have the new iPad with retina display. Mainly for use when outdoors, have LR and educational apps installed. A note to remove YouTube app or don’t install that on iPad. Miss R got onto that and type ABC at 22 months! She somehow found her way to peppa pig. :heh:
There are many good educational apps on iPad, recommend sparkabilities, endless alphabet and the montessori apps. I prefer normal iPad as it’s bigger screen but it’s heavy to bring out.

Usually,kids might not require to use Tabs, If they have to use for educational purpose, go for any basic kind of Tabs, and install educational/learning apps. Make sure,that your kid should not spend much time with Tab.

We have both a regular iPad and the iPad mini. It’s nice that the regular has a larger screen, but I find that the iPad mini suits my daughter’s needs perfectly well. We seem to use it much more often. There are many wonderful educational apps. We have lots of apps that we put in and out of rotation so she doesn’t get tired of them, and we are constantly looking for more good apps.

We have the iPad. And my 5 years old can have 15 minutes iPad time each day. She only use educational apps. But there are some apps that are really fun so she thinks she is playing while actually she is learning. Recently found this one https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/monki-home-language-learning/id964877943?mt=8 and she is really enjoying it. Si I think there is nothing wrong about buying your little one a tablet as long as you controle the time he is using it.
I would say iPad is the best. At least for us.