which one to learn first? math or reading

Hi…I’m new here…at first I should say excuse me for my ugly english!!!
I have an 11 months old son and I’m going to start early learning.but I’m confused about from where to start.should I start learning to read first and then teach math or learning of both at the same time is possible? another question is that is buying books or softwares necessary?
thanks for your help

You can happily and easily teach both at the same time ( plus languages, music, geography… :biggrin: ) you can teach without any software or special books. These tools just make the workload much lighter for you. It is quite an effort to hand write enough flash cards to teach a child to read. But do get started and decide what products will suit you later. I hand wrote a few hundred words for my first child and it didn’t bother me, but now on my third child I just don’t have time for that!
Rad through past posts on the forum and you will learn all you need to know. Happy learning.

I vote for math. You will have several years to teach reading. But the ability to learn Doman math is decreasing with every day. And the interest on such learning is decreasing. I think you should start today :smiley: . According to my experience, it will be hard to keep the interest after 12 months, and almost useless after 18 months.

Math software. You do not need it with 6 months old child because they are happy to watch black dots. Older children need more entertainment which is provided by LM. But you can try paper or powerpoint at first.

Of course, you can do math and reading, and EK together. Most of mothers do. Until 12 months, my kid was very interested in art; now he has no interest on it.

I just wanted to say that it can be a mistake, to teach math AFTER reading.

I think it depends on your philosophy for early learning and what techniques you plan to use. Teaching both is probably the safest way to go. I have read an article that says that Math is actually just the language of quantity - and should not be seen so much as a separate subject.

I teach my children reading first simply because I do not use Doman math with them. They learn counting and number correspondence at the same time as reading. The reason I feel it is more important to learn reading first (for me at any rate) is that after they have learnt to read they can teach themselves anything including Math and it gives a lot of independence for them to follow their own interests. At the same time though an introduction to math is very important and specifically to quantities - whether you choose to teach subitising to a high level or not will determine whether you start now or a bit later after the reading - as long as your child understand that a particular number is a quantity then it is fine.

thank you all very much for your guidances…now I’ve made a powerpoint file of my son’s favorite fruits and I want to show them to him for the start to test how much he is interested in learning…and then I will add other things and also start to teach math…I’ll be happy if you have some good ideas or tell me important notes

  1. Why don’t you check out already made powerpoints files prepared by wonderful members of this forum rather than starting from scratch to make your own? I bet your son’s favorite fruits have been covered by some one else. Link for the downloads: http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?cat=65. Fruits may likely be found under the category Objects, Word Flash, or Food.

  2. In the alternative, you may get Little Reader. Fruits are extensively covered in the software. Use the 14 day trial version to get a feel for it.


Reading should come first if you have to choose between reading and math. Both have to do with learning the basic symbols we use to think and communicate.
Letter-Sounds and Number-Quantitites. Reading basics (26 letters but 44 sounds in English) are a bit more complex than math basics (only 10 digits 0-9).

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