Which members do you really appriciate?

I don’t know about you, but there are many members that I am exited to see a new post from. I always learn something new. I thought it’d be nice to acknowledge and thank them. But I don’t want to have all the fun…

… so who do you love to read posts from?

Dad Dude


i love the posts from the moderators and architects and the brillkids team. you guys know so much!
i love the general tips from moms and dads as well as i find i learn alot from them.
i love those members that post thought provoking questions as alot of my concerns get answered.
and ofcourse all the homeschooling moms. its because of you that i am now homeschooling.

oh and how could i forget. all you people that upload those great files. i know it must take lots and lots of time and you so unselfishly share your hardwork with everyone. you have inspired me to figure out how to use that function of my little reader and create my own files to share. thats what i’m going to be doing this weekend.

I appreciate KL and his team for creating this software, and I enjoy everyone who contributes with files and suggestion and techniques. I think the variety of backgrounds we have here and the expertise of those with slightly older children is just simply amazing. Thank you everyone! I love this place.

cassidy336 for making a whole bunch of great presentations my little boy likes (we have pretty similar sensibilities about what works), and Gloria & LongTallDrink for making presentations on request/by script. Also, nhockaday has made a lot of “meat and potatoes” presentations a while ago, that we’ve looked at a lot, like world landmarks 1-3. I might not have stuck with Little Reader at all if not for those older ones, but now even more good stuff is coming in for LR. Also, Chloe and pupisek have done some we look at a fair bit. “Reading clock time” was very good and we look forward to more installments, right?

The BrillKids team knows how to make content for their technology…their free presentations are some that we actually have looked at quite a bit.

Of course, I appreciate everyone here!

I like KL’s posts too when they’re long and sharing abt his personal experience :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work!

Thank you all, on behalf of the BrillKids team here! You all are awesome, so glad you’re all part of the ‘family’!

2 members that don’t seem to post often anymore and whose posts I particularly loved to read are domanmom and chris . Hope we see them again some time soon. There are so many more very valuable contributors to this Forum - do you guys have an hour?


As far as my favorite presentation, I prefer the Cat Family by Brillkids. I think this method of presenting is better then the Power Point presentations. I would like to see more presentations like that. I think it would be a wonderful way to present science with say freezing, melting etc with videos.

I think we need more video in our presentations. If a picture is worth a thousand words a video is worth a million words.

I think the best way to do an encyclopedia presentation is with movies and using the picture audio to explain like the Cat Family.

I really enjoy posts which share the person’s experience or summarize the idea they researched as opposed to copying large portions of articles from other sites and just pasting them in. I think it’s nice to present ideas concisely and give a link for those interested to read more. :slight_smile:
I like reading Doman Mom, nhockaday, KL and most everyone else!

I really look forward to posts from Ayesha Nicole:)

I also love learning from the other members and enjoy the personal experiences as well as additional information (on top of what this wonderful website offers) that many share. Thanks a lot to you all!!

there are so many members i really appriciate i cant remember all the names. so i think its not fair to say some of the names

As for presentations… Mi kids love Wild Animals… and whoever made those of animals in alphabetical order THANKS!!! They are the must see every time!!!

I appreciate the members who unconditionally share their research, knowledge and personal experiences.

Thank you so much…To all the parents and guardians in these forum… You just don’t know how you had helped us in so many ways! :yes:

I like nhockday’s presentations.

I also like domanmom’s posts

I appreciate KL.

i really appreciate the moderators, they always seem to answer all my questions, even the ‘duh’ ones!.and aso every parent that contributes to the forums, it’s alays so encouraging hearing from like-minded people that don’t make you feel wierd for thinking you could teach your baby anything!

Lappy :biggrin: