Wherevto start

Hi I have a 12 month old … And was wondering where do I start with the leaning… I am using an I pad… Any other iPad users? Should I go ahead and buy the series… Any idea?


My son is the same age (almost exactly) and he loves Little Reader, and he’s learnt a lot of language from it and can recognize close to 100 words allready (we started 40 days ago and we’ve been doing 2 sessions every day including weekends) :yes:

Little Math, he will watch if I keep on adding new icons (there are tons of new icons to download), fortunately the LM sessions are very short.

Brill Kids has a Music Basics Catagory that you can download for you Little Reader, I got that one right when we started testing the trail version and my son still loves it, but the proper Little Musician app will only be released later on.

These apps make your teaching easy, but there’s tons of programs you can buy and read about once you get into it, nobody is doing the same teaching activities, you just pick something you feel is either fun/imported and also take into account how much time you have, you’re childs interests and personality and keep in mind that there’s many areas that need to develop wich you can encourage.

Reading about teaching on Brill Kids can make you feel overwhelmed, but just start with one or two things, and take it from there.

Best of luck and I hope to hear about you and your child’s progress!