Where to start

So I’m just wondering if anyone can offer me direction. I have a 4 year old son with mild autism and is speech delayed. When he was 25 months I taught him sign, and he attented a bi-lingual bi cultural daycare that taught english/ASL, I would say he has about 100 signs he can use, and understands more that he can not do himself. He kinda taught himself phonics with the DVD the Letter Factory, and I played with magnet letters withhim to help him remember. He knows all his letter sounds, and we did the YBCR series for almost a year. I have read Glenn Doman’s your baby can read aswell. I feel Kind of lost and I don’t want to waste money on products if there not going to work for us. He is in a full time ABA program and LOVES to learn, so I want to educate myself and find the best way to feed him the information he wants to learn.
Can anyone offer me any suggestions
Thank-you so much

It sounds like you are already doing a wonderful job! I don’t know much about children with autism, but I would recommend sticking with everything you are already doing. So can he read by himself? You said he taught himself phonics with Letter Factory. A really great program is Little Reader http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/index.php. It would probably be fun and beneficial for him since it is multisensory. And you could make your own files for people and places around you so he could start to recognize and get used to them. You can also make couplets, sentences and stories if his reading is at that level. There are also a lot of great files, like photoeyeplay, that you can download. We have another member, who’s grandson has more severe autism, who said the photoeyeplay has really helped.

We also have a program called Little Math http://www.brillkids.com/teach-math/index.php if you are interested in getting him started on a math program.

The only other products that I would recommend are Tweedlewink http://www.rightbrainkids.com/component/page,shop.browse/category_id,24/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ and Trebellina http://www.trebellina.com/ there are a lot of discussions and recommendations on the forum about these products, just do a search for them. We also offer discounts for these in our forum shop.

Thank-you for your reply!
No, he can’t read yet. We started doing flash card yesterday, basically Doman style but on recipe cards since he’s older and doesn’t need them to be as large. We started with five, with plans to add more. This morning when I laid them out and asked him to hand me a word, he got most of them right. So I think I’m on the right path. This LR interests me, I’m just curious to know how it is different from just doing a powerpoint presentation? When my son was younger we did powerpoint and I’d read the words to him. This program interests me I just have trouble spending money on something that is similar. Can you tell me what is differnet about this please?

Here’s a post about that. Pay close attention to KL’s post http://forum.brillkids.com/product-discussions-and-reviews/lr-vs-power-point/
And take a look at this page too http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/advantages-of-using-little-reader.php. We have a whole section devoted to why LR is better than powerpoint.

I have never even used powerpoint presentations for my son, just LR. I find powerpoint to be boring and very inflexible.

I recommend you take the 14 day FREE trial. You will see how it works and see if your son likes it, then you’ll know if it’s something you’ll want to spend money on.

Thanks for the help! This is such an exciting journey.