Where to start working on maths with 23-month old?

Hi all,

I am looking for ideas on beginning a maths programme with my 23-month old.

Her current skills:

  • can count to 12
    one-to-one correspondence to 5
    knows 2D shapes pretty well
    working on shape puzzles as a precursor to tangrams

We started LM this week and she LOVES it, she asks for it many times throughout the day. I have ordered the Peter Weatherall maths DVDs which should arrive in the next week. I have a basic abacus but I have no idea how to use it!

Any ideas on what I should do in addition to this? Advice greatly appreciated!

This thread reminded me of an old post. Here is what I was doing with Ella when she was around the same age in Maths:


Hope this helps!

I’m using the book Marshmallow Math: Early Math For Young Children with my 3 year old. It’s has math teaching ideas for toddlers to the early elementary school years.

We have RightStart as well as several, more homegrown maths programs…today, after a tremendous amount of research, ordered the JonesGeniuses EL set. I spent quite a bit of time working with Chris on recommendations, and absolutely loved the fact that he spent at least 30 minutes on the phone with me making sure I was getting the proper product (he is from the UK and has extensive experience!). --they also offer a 20 percent discount to BrillKid members, which was attractive :yes: We are looking forward to working with them!
In addition, I really like the book ‘Marshmallow Math’ as well as there are fantastic ideas for practical maths…and we love the Early Bird Singapore Math books. They are bright, easy to work with, and very toddler friendly. A isn’t really writing yet so I work with her on them, but it has provided me with a lovely basis. They also come with a nice set of corresponding readers that A loves.

Thank you for all the ideas. aangeles - I read through that thread last night - the videos of Ella are so cute!

I’m uncertain which programme to go with - I’m thinking Jones Genius but I need to do some more research. I ordered the Marshmallow Math book to start with anyway.