Where to start with math and foreign language?

My son is 26 m.o. and I am teaching him reading with powerpoint slides which works well for now, but I intend to buy LR. I’ve downloaded LM trial version but he is not interested at all and screams when I try to show him the lessons. So I am wondering what else is available and what you guys are using to teach your children math. He only knows numbers 1-10 and can count to 20.
On another subject, I’d like to introduce French and may be Spanish which we don’t speak so I have to rely on the computer. Where do I find some materials suitable for his age? Thank you so much, I’ve learned so much from this wonderful forum.

Usually the dot card system of teaching is recommended for under-2s as (as far as I understand it) the ability to perceive quantity diminishes after that age. There have been many good things said for the Jones Geniuses maths course, and I intend to use it with my son, which is intended for older toddlers (2+) but I can’t make recommendations yet, as we are still using dot cards.

For foreign languages, I love Muzzy and Little Pim. Muzzy is a little outdated graphics-wise but is still entertaining. My son loves watching Pim in Chinese. :biggrin: For Spanish and French there is also a flashcard system called babybit which is similar to the Wink to Learn program.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve already ordered Little Pim and will have a look at the others.

what’s wink to learn? i have never heard of it. there are so many products out there that if one took the time to learn about them all, it would leave a lot less time to preparation of actual teaching, and even less to all the daily minutia of life.

Wink to Learn make flashcard-type dvds in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. They show the words and pictures doman-style with the language audio. You can find the site through the forum shop (along with discount coupons!). They are quite cheap compared to Pim and Muzzy, too, though they focus on words and phrases (written and spoken) rather than using conversations.

Nikki loves them - he gets soooo excited when the menu music starts. More so than any other program we’re using at the moment.

thanks for such a prompt reply. i’ll have to check them out once more funds are available. do you watch the program in english or in other languages as well? there are some little pim videos available from our library, and this is great! i haven’t really used them much but still it’s a nice change of pace.

I didn’t get the WINK english dvds as I deemed it an unnecessary expense as I’m using LR in English, which is very similar. We use Japanese and Chinese dvds and if I thought I could fit more into a day, I’d consider the Korean, too. My son really enjoys them.

I wish I could get Pim in my local library :slight_smile:

Do you know where I can get discount coupon for Muzzy?