Where to start with 6-month-old?

Hello all you wise and experienced parents! My six-month-old son is expressing a tremendous interest in books, particularly those with lots of words! Yay! :slight_smile: I’m ready to start flash-card early reading skills with him, but I’m at a loss where to start. I made a bunch of homemade b&w silhouette object cards, which we flash together a few times a week. Should I now start doing color wi words? Or just words? Or…

Any and all tips greatly appreciated!


I would definitely recommend starting with LR and LM…You can also show your baby YBCR, nursery rhyme DVDs and if you have an iPad, the educational applications on iPad are just fantastic

I restrict the TV time to max 1-1.5 hours a day for my 15 months old…I show him laptop/iPad/DVDs only during mealtimes i.e. 20 minutes for 3 big meals…since kids get bored with the routine, I have made a weekly calender to ensure no activity is repeated more than 3 times in a row…I read lots of books to my baby (primarily board books), tell him bedtime stories, show flashcards occassionaly, sing nursery rhymes, try to take him out minimum 2 times a week including a park visit and library visit at least once a month…I also plan to enroll him for swimming once summer starts (right now it’s too cold)…there are too many things you can do to stimulate your baby…but whatever you do, please ensure it doesn’t come at the cost of the independent play as kids learn the most through play…

I would highly recommend you ( in addition to lots of book reading) to get:

Little Reader / Little Math



SM2SB I would love to see your sulhoutte object cards . I would also start with LR and LM as it is much easier with young children, signing time dvds were also a big hit with my daughter, we also did right brain excercises as seen on tweedlewink dvds, we also used material from montessori print shop website. Swimming is also great - we started at 7 months. But if you are asking specifically about teaching reading I recommend you first to read How smart is your baby or-and any other book from Glenn Doman and Right Brain Kids.