Where to go after LR?

Hi everyone?

I would really like some advice on this. My little DD finishes Semester 2 of LR in 7 days, and she is still not reading proficiently yet all though it is coming along in great leaps and bounds. She can definitely read couplets and some 3 word phrases. She is 19months old and loves the alphabet but can still read a whole word and on the odd occasion will pick out a letter and not see the word as a whole.

My question is this.

Should I start on a phonics program with her or should I follow a more doman approach and continue building on couplets and phrases and start working on sentences? It is really hard to know what to way to go when her language skills are still developing and I can’t judge exactly how well she can read because she may not be able to pronounce the word yet? Or would you do both.

I would definitely do phonics. If she has done 2 semesters of LR and probably some other whole word stuff, then I think she has had plenty of exposure to whole words.