Where is Soft Mozart Forum? Looking to add SM icons to LM

I’ve scoured the forums and can’t locate the “soft Mozart” forum. I’m looking to upload the SM icons to little musician. I read on another thread that it’s a zip file and the closest I got (I think) was to a couple of soft Mozart files in the library but those are uploaded to little reader. Can someone provide me with detailed steps as to a) where to locate said file and b) how to upload it to little musician? thank you!

Hey, there!

Maybe this will help http://www.softmozart.com/forum/31-share-files/4268-sm-icon-set-ready-to-import-for-little-musician.html ?


Andreasro = THANK YOU!!! Ahhhh, I didn’t realize it was on Soft Mozart’s website! I searched for over an hour on here last night. You are the best!! Thank you and karma to you!!!

:slight_smile: You’re welcome!