where do you flash

I have been doing Doman’s picture bits for two weeks now. It is going ok. I am flashing one card 10x a day for about 2 seconds (say word, show card, when focuses on card say word again). My question is does it matter where I show these cards?

What I mean is do you have a routine where it is done in a certain setting (eg. in bedroom sitting in chair). I do not and am wondering if I am over thinking this or there is some logic to make it more structured. I was wondering if you could share whether you had a flash card routine or was done on the fly when you saw an opportunity. Thanks.

I don’t think it really matters as long ad you are in an uncluttered space with no distrations. You may try different places and choose what works best for both of you.

I usually show flashcards to my baby whenever He looks calm and ready to focus. We don’t have a precise routine for flashcards and it worked just fine for us so far.

In the early days we did it when he was on the change table. While changing him I’d sing an educational type song and after, while he was still lying there, I’d flash the cards. I’d also have a stack on the diningroom table and flash them just before he got down to play with Dad. Dad would stay at the table until it was done, too - that way there was no extra draw or impatience. Now we do it while he is on the potty - he doesn’t sit still much anymore :slight_smile: But I’ll admit that it doesn’t happen with as much frequency as he’s quite independant in the bathroom now.

Bus stops.

(just kidding!)

I wondered where you were, DadDude…thought you might have a chuckle over the title of this thread :slight_smile:


My daughter loves flash card lessons early in the morning in bed and then we do one session while having dinner in the evening. She always looks so busy during the day that there is no way for me to show her cards. She asks for it every morning so I guess that is a good sign.