Where do I go from here with reading?

Okay, so we only have one more month to go with YBCR. My 9 month old has been watching these and doing flash cards everyday. I know sometimes we don’t watch it twice a day but we always do reading every day. Where do I go from here? What do I do after YBCR? Keep flashing? Any other advice, please?
And i was also wondering of someone could give me advice on reading for my almost 3 year old also. She can sight read many words and knows all letters (upper and lowercase) and all the letter sounds. But she can’t put the sounds together to make a word. Any advice? Do I just keep showing her new words? Thanks

For you three year old:

Perhaps you could try DadDudes fleschcards - she may just need a hand deciphering the phonics rules…

Thank you. Where can I find them?


This is my problem too - where to go from here after the kid knows his letters and sounds and several sight words…

I hoped to only invest in one pricey reading program like LR, not several, which is why I’m not hurrying up to buy YBCR and TweedleWink.
I wish they were in the library!!!

I’ll try the Flesch cards, but I’m not convinced anything will stick without an associated picture…

Frustrating phase!!!

Fleschcards have pictures, over 1,000 of them!

My daughter might be at the same point as your child. She was reading simple sentences using sight words. Then we took a long break from learning - many months. She has forgotten alot. So now we are gently trying revive past word recognition skills and learn phonics. I am teaching blending and phonics using word chunks.

First teach your daughter the sight word “at.” Then work out different words that end in “at” using letter tiles. I lay out out the word “at.” Then I give my daughter a few consonant tiles. I ask her to pick out the right letter to make cat, bat, fat, hat, etc. Once she masters “at” then I plan to move onto other chunks such an, it, en, ig, ug. I ennunciate the initial consonant sound heavily. It seems to work. Whenever she hesitates I supply the answer. This way she can answer if she likes or just sit back learn. It works for us - that is when we do it. We are just getting back into learning after a very long absense.

Good Luck, Lori

For everyone interested to give Flesch Cards a try,
you can find them in Little Reader Library!
Just search member GloriaD and check the files uploaded by her. " phonics DD"
Hope this helps!

My DD is 2 years and 10 months old. She has an enormous sight reading vocabulary and can read very short books and also reads parts of new books to me. I have started a basic phonics programme with her and we are going through it very slowly. Blending seems to be a problem and there are ways of fixing this - first we had to make sure she knew what letters words started with and be sure she could hear that words are made up of sounds. Since then she seems to have clicked with the basic phonics and can sound out some words alone. She does not however want to read alone much and I think this is age related - she’d rather have Mom cuddle up and read to her so I have taken a break again and I am reading tons to her and more advanced books and we will start writing our own books again soon. She told me the other day that she can read and she can read some and comprehends well, but she does not have the drive to read a whole book to herself for some reason or figure things out for herself much. I just do what she seems interested in and keep taking things one day a time as they come.

Inspired by this thread we just started the Fleschcards. My twins are 33 months and absolutely love them and ask for them several times a day. I have even started including more cards because 12 wasn’t enough, we are up to 20-24 cards at a time. The kids also enjoy playing with the cards and reading them on their own, but they are also chewing on them. I found some inexpensive laminating pouches locally and am going to laminate the cards. A little tip to anyone using them, if you decrease the top and bottom margins you can fit 5 on a page instead of 4. Thank you do much DadDude for sharing, they are fantastic! I think I already gave you Karma for this, but here it is again just in case.