where can I find chinese characters only flashcards?

Hi all
My daughter surprised me today by yelling ‘si’ when she saw a Dora flashcard with the pinyin and character for number 4. I can’t tell if she read the character or the phonetic (either way is fine by me, i’m so proud of her) but I think it’s time i challenge her with flashing words only (symbols). So far we only use dvds.

Can anyone tell me where i can print this off (simplified chinese please)
I would need the pinyin and hopefully english translation so i can write it at the back.
thanks for your help lol

I have the “Baby Learns Chinese” flash cards - http://www.amazon.com/LEARNS-CHINESE-Flash-Cards-Chinese/dp/B00115KEYK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1274319671&sr=8-2 (but I don’t think I paid that much…got it with DVDs for pretty cheap price awhile ago).

The character is large and the pinyin and English is very small. Hope that helps!

Thank you They Can. i was hoping for free ones though (which i could print)
I’m on too tight a budget at the moment to shop :frowning:

I’ll keep an eye out for some! They should be simple to make yourself though since you wouldn’t have to search for a coresponding picture - just google the words and throw them in PowerPoint (or LR).

Randomly just came across these - http://www.semanda.com/ !! The first link for each category has the character on one side (ONLY the character) and all the other information on the back. And they are FREE! Hope this helps!

Great find TheyCan! Karma to you. I’m going to save this one for if I ever get to teaching my son Chinese

There’s these:

But sorry, no pinyin - you can search for those easily.

Hi Hypatia,

I can help you. I’m native Chinese. I’m a mom too, and I’m searching English materials to teach my baby in this website, then find your requires.

Which words do you want to teach to your baby. If you provide me the words you want ( in English), I can add Chinese characters, Pinyin and tone.


I’ve been converting the Semanda flashcards to larger format for my son and came across a couple of discrepancies - they have the word for melon and a picture of a watermelon (which is, according to a different dictionary, not the same as melon) and their word for pear, peach and orange seem to have an extra symbol - again according to an online dictionary. Not knowing any chinese myself, I am a little confused. Could a Chinese-speaker have a look at these words and tell me if they are correct - does the extra sign mean anything? Is it ok to leave in or should I take it out?
Thanks :slight_smile:

The “gua” ç“œ for melon is not wrong. But then it is more like a generic term for “gua” in genera, eg. pumpkin, squash, etcl. If referring to a watermelon, it should be more specifically "xi gua"西 ç“œ

The rest of the peach, pear,. etc … 桃子, 梨子, is correct with the “zi” 子. It is correct without the “zi” 梨子 .

Hope that helps!