Where are they now?

I just read texaslady’s post ‘Effects of Doman’ http://domaninspiredparenting.blogspot.com/. I would like to know about the progress of other children who started Doman or Schihida method 3 or 4 years before. Where are they standing now and what would you re-do if you could go back in time.

I would like to know the progress in all areas like reading, math, physical, ek, memory, music, foreign languages etc.

I was just thinking about this yesterday and hoping that the parents who are on the forums now will come back in a few years and update. It would be so valuable!

Good question. I’ve love to know too.

DomanMom keeps a really awesome blog, I suggest everyone check it out. She has a 5.10 year old little boy who’s super adorable and very, very smart. They’re always up to something neat and educational.

He’s doing Math Three of JG’s curriculum and some 3rd grade workbook for wordproblems, but he also reads on a 3rd grade level. They do alot of science and history too and she has some neat ideas for teaching character development and life skills that I love.
