When would you recommend to start Reading Bear

From Reading Bear web, they suggests that kid must know letter name and sound first before starting the presentation they provided. Thus I taught my child A-Z and a-z both their names and sounds. It looks to me now like he know name and sound of many alphabets but not all. I put out the alphabet cards and ask him to pick one that I asked for up and he can do it. Should this be OK to start giving him the Reading Bear presentation?

I’m the same with my child, she is 20m old and knows a lot but not all of the alphabet names and sounds. I’ve have just started to show her Reading Bear now and again. I dont think it really matters if they dont know all the letter names or sounds before they start. I think its just more important to mix it up and keep it fun.

Absolutely! As Kiwimum said it is not imperative that they know all their sounds (I really don’t think letter names are necessary until later) before starting. As long as your child is interested and enjoying Reading Bear than that is all that matters. It may take longer to see results if they don’t know their sounds first but then again it might not. That’s the fun of EL - there are no hard and fast rules and no-one can really predict how long it is going to take a child to show that they can read/do math etc… If you are both enjoying it than keep going.