When will the swimming article be up?

I want to second the idea of the doman how to teach your baby to swim book. My son has been able to swim the wicth of the pool on his own since prior to turning 2. The only problem he has is when he lifts his head to breathe he sometimes loses his forward momentum.

There is a program throughout the US called ISR = Infant Swim Resource. They seem to have a great “water survival” course that teaches babies & toddlers what to do if they fell in the water. I hear it’s a good place to start, prior to teaching regular swimming to your child… but I don’t know how it plays into Doman or other teaching kids to swim programs. Still, I thought someone might want to check it out. :slight_smile:

Karma to you for reminding me about ISR. That is a really good program too. I know people who have used it successfully. It mainly teaches babies to float if they fall into the water and some also teach attempting to get to the side of the pool by swimming a few strokes then flipping over and floating then swimming etc… It does not go into swimming as much as the doman book, but it does get you over the initial hump of getting baby comfortable in water and teaching the floating on their back. Which in my experience almost all babies hate initially and I really could have used someone to help me with that portion as I didn’t start until my son was 1 and had an intense dislike for back floating.

the waterbabies dvd is very similar to IRS in that way .

We live in a small rural town in Texas, and even here they have swim classes for babies (I think they might start at 4 months). Of course, it’s only in the summer because there aren’t any indoor pools around here, but I was really glad to be able to get some professional help. So you might check and see what they offer in your community…you never know what you’ll find out!!

Thats really good to have classes in your area
