When to Teach WRITING?

i want to ask at what age sshould i gave my kids to write with the pencil…
tracing and all?

Hi ansisari, I teach my girl to write not too long ago and she can write few letters correctly now but I think the most important is to teach her to hold the pencil correctly. Some people waited until they’re 6 some 3 but if you want to start earlier than that you should get some pencils ready because they will most likely end up in two pieces. Like mine :slight_smile:

LOL…nellie…Thnks for the reply…
my DD is of 3yrs and 5 months…SHe use pencils…for colors…
and also for joining the matching things…and all.
but i dont know from when to teach her writing like "a b c "?
or should i ONLY concentrate her on RECOGNITION…
in my opinion …if she is perfect in recognition…she can write easily whne her time cAME?
am i write?
but in many schools they teach writing EVEN with 2.5 yrs or 3 yrs kids…
kids are tired of it…
any comments?

My little one is just 15 months and we got her a slate and she loves to scribble on it. We also do a little drawing on it to show her what can be done with a pen and a slate. We dont force her at all - its just fun and play.

i have given her slate…black board,chalks…
she can draw sun…cockroach…bla bla…
but ppl saying me to give her tracing copies…
and she should learn writing now…

I began to formally teach all 6 of my children to write at around 3 years old. My youngest was writing much sooner than that, but she loved to write on her own as early as a year old. She has gorgeous cursive handwriting and can print beautifully. Just like everything else you are learning on this forum, younger is better.

tHANKS Krista…
for a complete and simple…reply…
anyother comment?

Get writing paper and show her how to write the letters and have her trace or copy them. You can also use a dry erase board. Kids love to write on those.

Hi ansisari. I found this video in youtube that teaches how to write the ABC’s and 123’s to 3 and 4 year olds and it seems like a helpful one. I will try this with my daughter in the future:


Writing Exercise books may help too:

Brillkids have FREE downloadable tracing activitity sheets for writing letters and and numbers too!

If your daughter just likes to draw for now. Maybe you could say for example when she’s drawing a zigzag “That zigzag makes a letter Z”. That the curve she’s drawing is like a letter C. That the circle can be a letter O or can be made into Q. Or That her drawing of Snake also looks like a letter S in the alphabet. Maybe if she learns that her drawing can make letters she will be interested in learning how to write more letters. Just a thought. :slight_smile:

I first gave Kumon Wipeable letters to W when he was about 22 months. I made sure he held the pen properly and showed him how to do it. Writnig quickly became his favorite activity … now it has competition from typing.

Now he is approaching 26 months.

He has completed the Kumon lowercase work book, and done most of the simple sentances workbook. He loves writing in the peter and jane books (keywords) 1c, 2c and 3c.and rubbing them out and doing it again. He picked up 9c today. Any book that has a space or him to write his name in, he has to do it… can hardly contain himself.

He can write a few words without me spelling them, like his name, milk, mamma, etc

for quite some time all he wanted me to do was print out dashed letters so he could trace over them

Thanks a lot MARY…
its really a new thing to teach with marker…
nice way of writing…’
and ur thought of writing in the form of drawing is really a nice thing too…
i will definitely try this…

and Pashmina…u made me shocked n rocked to know that ur 26 months baby can write??

i m still …like…>>HMMMMMMMMMM

I had no intention of teaching James to write letters and numbers until he was a lot older. Closer to 4. He was spending a lot of time drawing and scribbling and can draw circles, triangles, rectangles etc.

Then I downloaded a really good writing app for the iPad (letterschool) that showed the ways to write the letters and numbers. It quickly became his favourite app. I made him a stylus to use on the iPad with a chunky marker. And now he is writing all over the place. In his sketchbook, on his magna doodle,Mis chalkboard, a whiteboard, in workbooks etc.
He is not very good yet, but he shows interest so I am not going to hold him back.

James is 30 months now.


im not getting it…
30 months…thats good…
my DD is of 43 months…
and still dont know writing…
im little worrioed.
and i have also looked at the schools where in preschooling they use to give FOUR line papers for kids to write,
here i found ppl teaching their kids…reading writing…etc too early…
i feel little depressed…

Yeah. I had no interest in rushing writing. We do a lot of fine motor (Montessori type) tasks to strengthen his muscles and improve his dexterity to prime him for writing in a few years. But James decided to take matters into his own hands. When my son show interest in something I run with him.

Hi mypashmina. Is this the same Kumon Wipeable letters your son used?


Your son is doing great in writing! Awesome!
I subscribed to your youtube channel by the way. :slight_smile:

I will check the Letterschool app too! Thanks Korrale4kq! :slight_smile:

Age 3ish :slight_smile: some kids will happily manage it at 2 if they are given activities to increase their fine motor skills. Things like making small ants from play dough, threading beads, drawing, tweezers, scissors, tearing paper into strips, hand picking up peas for finger food…
My girls wrote their names beautifully at 3 and wrote letters to nana that were entirely readable at the same age. My son doesn’t want to write letters to nana :frowning: but can print his name and words HE wants to write!
I see no reason to wate until they start school. Once they learn to read early they potentially could get frustrated that they can’t write their own stories down. If you wait until 5 or 6 to teach writing they have been reading for maybe 4 years! I also suggest teaching typing at the same time if you can :yes: But it’s often boring for them :frowning:
Some starter ideas. Write and wipe books are great. As are laminated name cards. Also white boards. A good idea to begin with is to use reduced resistents products. It’s easier to write on a white board and on paper with textas than to write with pencil and paper.
Tracing lines and swirls can be fun for kids and helps with pencil control. Rememeber when we were encouraged as kids to outline our drawings in texta? Also those pencil grips are especially useful for little kids who don’t have good pencil grip. Try to get one with a moulded shape so the fingers automatically go in the right spot. Writing is one of those things that dramatic improvement will occur with consistent practice. So just a few letters a day will probably be better than a page a fortnight.

The Kumon write and wipe cards are great. So easy to use over and over again.

yes writing is a bit boring for little ones because alot of it is copy copy copy work, i use the PAL (primary arts of langauge) package from the excellence in writing institute and it is quite good. www.excellenceinwriting.com I also use All about spelling as well,

I found my DD preferred writing words to pages of the same letter over and over, so I taught her short words first and explained the letter formation at the same time. We got through the alphabet pretty quickly this way and it also meant she had practice with the most common letters first. Once she could do all the small letters I gave her short sentences to copy and taught her about capitals at the beginning of sentences and full stops. I then also added in a few words written in capitals starting with signs she could read around our neighbourhood (all capitals) and this way taught her all the capital letters. I am now going to add sentences with numerals in them as while she knows how to write all the numerals she does not concentrate on writing them neatly because she is too busy thinking about the math involved.
My DD is 5 in September. I have not let her write between lines yet however as it seems to make her writing more messy - I have started working on getting her to write letters on a single line and she has got that down now, so soon I will choose suitable lines and teach her how to form the letters between the lines - maybe after she is 5.

Agree with the write and wipe materials, used the Kumon materials (Tracing books, number/letter cards, etc.).

I started to really teach writing to my daughter at 3 y.o. She could already hold a pencil by that point. She used a large triangular art pencil, and first learned to write her numbers, Kumon-style. At 3 1/2, we started with letters, capital letters first. Every once in awhile, I’d have her trace the alphabet. I noticed that her coordination improved dramatically at 4 y.o. Now I have her trace the alphabet almost every day, and have her write words and sentences.

I’ve been using the Writing Practice Flash Kids Harcourt book, with tracing paper:


It wasn’t easy to start at 3 y.o., but she definitely enjoys writing now.

tthats nice to know about ur DD//…i will do the same.the thing is that i have seen in schools they started from 3 yrs of kids…they taught them to write between the lines…and its really hard for kids to write DIRECTLY between the lines…when i started with my DD…she said…“MOM I AM TIRED” just after 5 letters…cuz i asked her to write between the lines…may be////
i am really happy and encouraged now after reading your post…tHANKS A LOT!
THE TRACING PAPER idea is also superB!!!
I WILL try this asap…