When to start Tweedlewinks

Hey Guys!
I’m sorting through my educational videos and planning on when to start each one with Baby Z when he arrives in May. So far for the newborn stage I plan on using Sparkabilities Babies 1. But I also noticed Tweedlewinks states it is designed to start in the newborn stage. Has anyone started these videos at this stage?

With my DD i started TW when she was 6 month,
With DS - when he turned 9 months…

At the moment I am doing with my kids each lesson once a day for 3 days right after our LM sessions first thing in the morning.
My DD sits on husband’s lap, and I hold DS.
Daddy, who works long ours,is very happy that he gets to participate in our learning activities .

My DD stopped liking TW around her 1st birthday, so I really hope that we will go through all the lessons before my baby stops wanting them…

As I am new to BrillKids, I also only recently discovered Tweedlewinks through other people’s posts. (thanks, everyone!). So my daughter just turned two, and the only EL we have done is that which I literally stumbled upon, and that which I have done myself…I ordered the first two Tweedlewinks DVDs to see if she likes them, before lashing out the cash for the package! Do you think your LO outgrew the style, the information, or had just learned it and was bored?
Thanks for your help… My daughter seems to be a massive sponge these days, and if I don’t keep her saturated with a enough new knowledge…she becomes dry, stinky (behaviorally!), and won’t be of any use! lol She DEMANDS moisture, aaahhh, knowledge!


It is really hard to say why she stopped liking it…

My feeling is; once she grew older, she started to favor educational DVDs where the new and advanced material was given by smaller portions.
In TW in one lesson about 200 combined pieces of info, most of it is not related to child’s everyday life.
At the age from 1 year to 2 my daughter’s favorite was Signing Time, Whistlefritz, Speekee: all of these programs have children participating in activities, music, songs…

You did very wise decision to buy only the starter pack. You can search the forum keyword: Tweedlewink, to get more info.

At the moment we on Day 12 lesson 4, both kids are watching. I will let you know how it will go !