When to start teaching other language?


My native language is not english.
All of the educational programs are in english.
Can somebody please advise when to start teaching other language.


As Soon as you can do so easily or with minimal effort/strain on yourself or your baby. You don’t HAVE to teach a new language, your child can learn now or later. You might look into something like Little Pim or YBCR Spanish…Or you may wait until you child is older.

OR, you could start with ASL! There are tons of resources online to get you started for free and keep you going for a long time. :).

If you want to start a verbal, modern language, do so. Get a simple, easy book and educate yourself and ease into the routine. Don’t try to do everything at once if you’re not comfortable with the next step, you can take your time and consider what you want for your baby and what is feasible for you both.

Pick a language, and just learn 1 new word a day, and use that word. IF you decide on Spanish, learn one new Spanish word a day and when you’re talking to your baby, use that word.

“Just a minute, mama needs a little aqua to drink, okay?”

“Espere, baby, hold on just a little minute while mama does this”

“Oh, you picked a flower, bueno!”

Use a new word

Hi! I would start exposing them to the sounds of the language as soon as possible! I’ve read that if you expose them to the sounds as a baby and don’t even continue teaching them the language, they’ll be much more capable of reproducing the sounds as an adult. I’ve been playing Spanish, French, and Chinese CDs since my son was around 6 months-old (when I read all this) and then started local Spanish lessons at 1 year. We then started French lessons at 2 years-old.

Also, just to note…everything I’ve read says to never mix languages in a single sentence as described below. I forget all the reasons - but I assume it’s confusing. I’ve tried to stick to keep them separate (I would think that the mixing would be good for older kids though, because it would allow them to practice more). If I only know the word “aqua”…then I just point to the water and say “aqua” instead of trying to make a sentence (since I’m not that good at it). It’s usually more like “en espanol…aqua…aqua” (pointing to the water). I rely on the CDs, videos, LR, books on tape, youtube, and his Spanish classes to teach him the sentences. Hope this helps!