When to start Linking Memory

I keep running across the importance of linking memory activities to right brain training. I don’t do as much right brain as I would like and was wanting some more advice on linking memory techniques. My son is only 18 months and couldn’t tell me the words I am trying to get him to remember. When did you start linking memory activities and how?


My son started at 4, and made incredible progress fast!
I would start between 2.5 and 3 by showing just 3 picture cards and having your child put them back into the correct order. Until they get to about 10 sequential correct cards you can just use whatever you already have a t home.
Grab an apple, a toy car, and a block. Say, and demonstrate, while putting them in order. The apple was run over by the toy car. The toy car got stuck behind the block. Mix them up and support until the child gets it right. Then add another item. Say… the block was moved by a dinosaur.
If you start young real objects could be better than cards for maintaining interest. But eventually you will need to print out some cards. Once they get to 20 object ( which my son did in less than a week!) it’s just easier to buy a program than continually make up new stories all the time. Also the bought program will teach your child new vocab words ( my son learnt weasel among others) Do not spend big money, and if you are creative you could easily do it with home made stories and supplies. One mummy here on the forum posted a link to her home made cards, do a search on this forum for it ( may have been the figure8 blog? I really need to pay more attention to who gives me these wonderful things! ) there is a fairly good discussion here already about memory linking and silly stories.