When to introduce Couplets?


After how many words you start teaching couplets to your kid?


I happen to have Domans book right here with me. He says that after a basic vocabulary of 15 words has been learned you can begin couplets, however, I think that many parents wait longer. I think once you have shown enough words for couplets to make sense. For example, if you teach body parts and family members go on to adjective words cards and then make couplets.


Silly Mommy, Big House

Mommy is silly. The house is Big.

The silly mommy lives in a big house.

I think that might be a fair example of the basic steps in teaching reading according to Doman, of course his teaching schedule is in the book. Good luck :slight_smile:

Hmm. I have a 1990 edition of the How to Teach Your Baby to Read, in the second step it says " Once a child has acquired a basic reading vocabulary of single words he is now ready to put those words together to make couplets."(Doman,1990)

Before this Doman says to teach the baby words that are familiar to him. Groups of words that describe objects (such as chair, table , door, windown…etc things you would see around the house), Baby’s possesions( truck, blanket, diaper, socks, cup, bottle, pillow,etc), foods, animals, actions ( drinking, eating, sleeping, walking, reading, creeping, etc).
Once you’ve taught those then you will need to teach color words, then you can begin couplets.
You would teach words like , red ball, orange fish, purple grape…etc.
After doing this then you would want to teach baby opposite words ( big , little, long, short, right, left, happy sad, etc).

HOpe that makes sense. But the book I have does not state how many words exactly to teach before introducing couplets.
My daughter knows a little more than 130 words right now and she is finished learning her color words and tomorrow I feel comfortable to start her on couplets. You may not need to have your baby read that many words but that’s where I feel comfy starting my daughter at .