When to give Early Learning a break???

My Eldest dd has been giving me a lot of grief lately and really pushing boundries so much so that even if I try to attempt any form of early learning with her she becomes soooooooooo resistant that the argument is not worth the trouble. She is so argumentative at the moment that she will even argue about putting knickers on in the morning. If we are in the middle of something for example a puzzle she will just stop and get up and leave which drives me nuts and I have to bring her back and either argue with her about cleaning it up or finishing it which she flatly refuses to do any. So I start to clean it up which results in her screaming and placing her whole body and over the puzzle so I can’t I then have to pick her up place her in the naughty corner to calm down go back to cleaning it up and then put the puzzle away where she can’t get to it because she gets banned from playing with it if I have to clean it up.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo done with this constant power plays from her. It is disrupting our whole day it disrupts my baby’s sleep and her early learning program to because my day is spent disciplining a child who I know is testing boundries. She used to love doing all her programmes and we had a great time together butI am unsure whether to persist beacause it is more of a game to her to do her resistant stuff or do I just take a break from it for a month?

Take a break for a few weeks and just do educational shows and videos (and apps if you have a tablet). Read to her if she is still willing. I’m going through a break with my 6 year old right now on nonfiction reading I was doing outside the requirements of her homeschool program. She was learning a lot but suddenly started fighting it. It’s frustrating when something works but they decide for whatever reason they don’t want to do it. I’m going to try again next week with her and see how it goes.