When is the right time to start to teach math to a baby?

Hi all,
My daughter now is coming to 11 moths old. I’ve been flashing words to her and recently i’ve started to introduced numerals from 1-10. I wonder if it’s too early to start to teach her numerals and meanwhile to introduce words to her just few minutes after numerals as i only can spend time with her at night after work.
Can somebody show me the way to introduce math to her effectively? Thanks all.

right time to start teaching math is right now.
I started to teach math at 4 months and until 7 months that was the only teaching. At 12 months my son started to loose interest and I had to make our sessions much shorter. Now (17 months) I do not teach any math but my son is loving numbers.
I believe that math should be started early because one can learn to read at any time but the ability to see quantities is decreasing with every day.

I think, it is very OK - numerals first and words later. We did the same at this age.

It is good to start early. Remember to respect your child when he or she gets older and may not want to watch math anymore. There are many ways to include numbers into a baby or toddlers day. I have found that being inventive is the best way to keep a piqued interest. Lately my toddler doesn’t want to watch the LM anymore but at 18 months she started counting up to three. She loves to count to herself. We also watch counting videos. Another fun way to do math is to play with cheerios–add some and then subtract some by eating them. lol Good luck!

Hi! I agree-- earlier the better, and you’ve GOT to be inventive… I think gradual introduction and repetition are really the key. My son is 2 1/2, and at 20 mos was when he finally mastered “reading” 1-9 (by sight) and then immediately started counting objects up to 8… We actually did the alphabet and numbers at the same time, and that worked wonderfully. It was just another character to him, so I think that helped. Later we started teaching that numbers and letters are different.

My FAVORITE learning tool for the alphabet AND numbers, were like $3 at Toys R us! They are FOAM LETTERS that you can bring in the bath tub! Which is great… because I was getting SO sick of “splash mommy” being the only game he played in the bath. We started slowly… about 3 letters at a time, then introduced more and more, and like I said, integrated numbers at the same time! It was fun to hide them in the bubbles and pull them out and yell “OH HI ‘A’!!”… he thought that was a gas.

Hope you can take something small from this that helps! Good Luck!

We introduced “addition” using number rods to my daughter when she was 18-month old, and by now she could do some simple addition by 34 months old.


We also introduced “multiplication” at the present moment for her.

I have a 21 and 9 month old, and just started LM for them roughly 3 weeks ago, and am quite compliant to the twice daily viewing. They seem to be very interested, but I only play the recommended lesson for the day and that’s it… takes about a minute.

I see here that maybe that’s not enough??? because, the lessons currently only comprises of seeing dots and shapes, no addition or subtraction involved yet.

Do I need to do anything extra? or is this enough???

Additions and subtractions will come later on in the program. Usually according to Doman, you will introduce quantities first ( at least a certain number of them) and then start incorporating additions, etc