when do your babies start to talk? in what language?

My baby started to walk when he was 11 months, and start to say >10 english words when he’s 12 months.

My baby started to say her first words when she was around 9 months old. Now she is 16 months old and she has a vocabulary of 7 words in spanish and 6 words in english…she does comunicate more by signing, she has around 50 signs. Catalina in bilingual spanish-english , I guess that is why she doesn’t have more vocabulary , for her takes longer than monolingual babies :mellow:

My son said “Mum” at 5 months and “Dad” at 7 months. He said his first real words (pointed to object when saying) “duck” and “dog” at 8 months. He is now 13 months and has reached 28 words that we understand. We have used parts of the Doman method, Your Baby Can Read and of course Little Reader/Math for some time now. He has really started to say more words now that we are following the curriculum! A big thanks to Brill Kids for providing this. I have really noticed a rapid onset of words since starting this. This week he has added the words “head” and “arm” to his vocabulary. He has seen these words many times before, but I believe that the way the words are presented on Little reader via word flash, multisensory and picture flash has made all the difference. :smiley:

i thought my dd would NEVER speak! we kept going in to the pediatrician and having to get that ‘look’ when i said she really didn’t have any words… she wasn’t even a baby babbler! sure she said mama and dada probably around 12 months and i would say her first clear words were the dog’s name maybe shortly after that (and of course ‘no’ shortly after the dog’s name because the two were used simultaneously). but it wasn’t until probably between 14 and 15 months that all of a sudden the kid exploded with words! we are a one language family and though we did signing we only did the bare communication necessities (milk, all done, etc) and she seemed to have a sign language all of her own actually speaking just took a while. she’s a pretty contemplative child so perhaps it’s just that she was busy observing and listening before jumping in.

my son is a big time babbler!he was making babbling sounds since he was like 3 months old, his first word was " mama" which i of course thought meant me :frowning: but he was referring to milk instead. then he said “ma” addressing to me finally!he said “baba”(local term for daddy) when he was like 7months old.
barney was his first real word lol ! and that was when he was 11months!
he still do not have much vocabulary. he is exposed to 3 languages (English,Arabic, Filipino {Tagalog})he also have small exposure to french since his lullabies dvd are sung in it.

jsmonton, it’s so cool that you son is exposed to 3 languages.

I want my son to learn 2 to 3 languages too and so I am trying to create mandarin lessons now.

My daughter was exposed to 3 languages (Russian, Farsi and English) regularly since she was born and Arabic occasionally (since we live in an Arab country my husband is making an effort to read books in Arabic for her and point out things in them). She started speaking around 9 months and her first words were mama, papa and ab(water in Farsi), by 17 months she could speak 200 words clearly in all 4 languages, mainly from LR categories like fruits, animals, body parts. Now she is a bit more than 20 months old, she speaks phrases and even short sentences, and can repeat virtually any word you tell her and does so when hearing conversations, so we don’t even know how many words she speaks now, although she is still sometimes confused which language to speak to who and may put 2 -3 words from different languages in one sentence. But I believe she will have it all figured out soon. She is much more ahead of most of her friends in terms of speaking though exposed to many languages. I think it is solely due to LR and regular book reading. She knows all the alphabet and main phonic sounds, and does try to read i think, but still refuses to demonstrate her ability to us, so we don’t push her either. She loves music as well, her favorites are Mozart and Bach.