when do you see any results?

I am curius, when did you children start to read?how many sesions did it take?was it after the one year curriculum?

I would love to hear your expiriences.

It took us 9 months to see results from whole word reading on Little Reader. I also think (perhaps superstitiously) that it didn’t work until we really made it our “own” and personalized it a bit. I didn’t do that until the end.

Also, those 9 months were between 11-20 months.

Hi Miriam,

It took my son 7 months to start reading his first word on Little Reader.
We started off quite late. He was already 15 months old when I began showing him LR.
My son was a late talker too. He did not really talk much. When he started talking, he started reading.
So I don’t really know for sure if he was able to read even earlier than that. Plus, I did not try to test him either.
He just read the word TUCK aloud and I was so stunned because I did not think he could read. lol

His reading gradually gets better as well as his speech. He is now 2 years and 10 months old, and can read a simple book.


Hi Miriam,
I started LR/YBCR for my DS quite late, when he was 1 plus mo, and for my DD when she was 9 mo. it’s now 4 months later and although my DS doesn’t read the single words which appear on LR, he does recognize and read at least 30-40 words on YBCR. So, I’m not sure if he just enjoys YBCR more, and I also have not tested LR.
With my DD, who’s 11mo now, it’s the other way around. She has already shown word recognition to 4-5 words by action with LR but not with YBCR.

It works differently with individual children, DS has a superb boost in his vocabulary after introducing these programs. He now speaks in 5 word sentences, and with correct grammar too. Maybe with him, it’s just because I started when he’s older, so verbalizing the word becomes easier.

It took us about 1 year to see results. My DD was about 11 months old, when we begun with LR.

With my son, it took about 6 months. We started at around 6 months old I think, but I never tested him before then so it could have been sooner I suppose. He was decoding new words by 19 months or so, but he is still not super verbal so it can be difficult to discern sometimes.

With my older daughter, it took maybe 2-4 months I think when we began using YBCR at 13 months old. But after she mastered all the YBCR words without being able to decode new words, we started LR. With LR, she gained hundreds of words in a matter of just a couple of months and her reading skyrocketed. We added a little extra phonics videos for good measure and she was sounding out new words about 6 months from the time we started trying to teach her to read. (the process lasted from 13-19 months old).

that is very impresive!
Did you only do the LR? with your son and then your daughter? did yuo do any other activity during the day?did yuo do flash cards as well as the computer program?
it is really good to see it can be a fast proces, not that I what to get it over with, but some times it can be hard to think of all the work ahaed.

so, pleas tell me a bit more details.

With my granddaughter we started when she was 4 mths old and shes 11 months old now and she knows a few words but she only shows us with her hands that she recognizes the words but shes having trouble prounouncing the words she tries but she can’t quite get it yet but we are still trying any suggestions?

Learning to speak takes time, and babies will read long before they can talk. Just keep teaching her and gently encouraging her, but if she feels more comfortable gesturing her knowledge with her hands, that’s okay too! She is doing wonderfully! As her speech catches up with her reading, it will all come bubbling out. :slight_smile:

Hi all

My son is going through a Little Pim CRAZE. I have Spanish vol. 2 &3 and was wondering if anyone wanted to trade dvds. Feel free to pm me or email me at mandy . jacob @ inkorpa. com (without the spaces). Thanks!

My daughter who happens to have Down Syndrome started reading about six weeks after we started her reading program (when she was 12 mo). We used physical flashcards with her (a la Glenn Doman). Think I was excited? :yes: :yes: :yes:

My daughter read her first word “dog” about a week after I started showing her words - she could not talk properly but said “doh” when she saw the word and pointed to our dog. She was 12 months old at the time. It was around 2 years old that she started reading short sentences out loud.

Hi All !

I started with my 12 mth old girl LR & LC for 1 month, but we are just on Day 12.
Sometimes It took 2 days to do session 1 & 2 ( 1 day’s lesson ) , sometimes abit
longer, as she will stray after 2 to 3 minutes. Just able to walk 1 month+,so I cant really keep her still. :confused:
But she will come back & focus if I play the alphabet or days of the week song.

Any advise on how to interest her & let her be focus ? :unsure:

Children who are recently mobile are so busy concentrating on locomotion that its hard to get them to focus on anything else and their concentration spam is short anyway. What you are doing is fine though other options include: showing LR/LM when your child is normally confined - if you have a laptop you can show it when the child is in a highchair or even in the bath with no toys available (if you can find a safe place for the laptop) or in the car when they are in their car chairs. Babies are actually pretty great multi-taskers and often learn even when you think nothing could possibly have gone in so just keep going.

my 15 month girl was like that till I started reading to her, she started to sit for 2 sec, the 10 then 15 , and now she can be ther for 10 min, so…It might help to have more activities in the day that recuire her to sit. but it is hard, they just love to go alllllllll day long!!!

it only took a week to start to see a big change. then a sarted her up on LR and LM

My lil one is 15 months old and has a vocab of 25+ words…Thanks to LR.We are just in the 17th day lessons. He already knows many words from the lessons already. Am I too excited or is it normal with 15month old tods to say so many words? please let me know.