When did your chilld start using english?

I was just wondering whether here are any parents teaching thier child English as a forein language similar way I do. We don’t live in english speaking country but I chose to speak to my dd in English. English isn’t my native language . I speak English with her when we are alone- lot of english :yes: . She can understand everything but she answers in native language most of the time. Yesterday she surprised me when she was “reading” her books and she was speaking in English - full sentences like “the lady said be quiet, or this is a cap …” I am very excited she is finally using english :slight_smile: . Before it was more like words or couplets she used which she uses even in conversations with me.
I would like to know, if you are in similar situation, when your child started to use english actively?
We have been using english in our home for 20 months now and my dd was an early talker.
Any tips what to do to help her to use the language? I don’t want to rush anything but maybe you have ideas which will enrich our english time together.

Hi dear,
I’m in a the same situation as u. I live in Iran with my 13 months old boy. I spoke English to kooshyar when he was born, but others talk persian to him. he was able to put a ball in the basket, close his eyes, open his mouth, move his legs… some month ago, but recently he put his fingers on my eyes and says aazz, or points to my breasts and says mmiikk, or says bbaall to his bal, say dddaatt to cat or bbbaaasss to his brush. any way we are in the same boat, and I like to share differents ideas with you. I’m Soheila, a 30 old years mother. my email is Soheila61gh@gmail.com
with regards

hi darling,

whenever you with your child please try to use speak to her on english. My mother language is mandarin and my family used to speak Cantonese.
I am working mother and when I go out my little bao bao sleep like a pig when I am back to home, The first word she speaks to me : " Hello" and I will start speak english to her. I believe sometime if you keep using the english to her, automatically she will speak with you in english. As I discover that I asked her to give me the bolster and she can do it fine! As everynight my teaching lesson to here will never end up. So be working mother is a very hard job in this world. Dont give up! you can do this :laugh:

If you prefer to know more detail on how I bring her up check more detail on : littlemommy2012.blogspot.com lol

Hi everyone!

The same situation here:) We are from Russia and there are no native English speakers among our friends. Everyone speaks Russian to my child and I speak only English to him. He is 2 and a half now and he speaks English just as good as Russian. He also watches English videos a lot. He knows most of the nursery rhymes by heart. Now Dora the Explorer is one of his favourite.

We have only recently bought a new dish antenna to be able to watch some kids programmes in English. She has never liked to wath TV and if I got her to watch dvds she refused to watch the same one repeatedly so I was and still am hunting for new DVDs. When she was younger we totaly relied on LR, books and my English ability.
Now, I can tell she uses English more and more everyday but she would need a little english friend to really blast off with the language.
Anyway I wonder if the TV is going to make any difference and I hope it will a little as so far I can describe my experience with teaching english as expensive lol