When did your baby do their first sign?

I’m wondering when Brillkids babies start doing their first sign.

We have all the Signing time videos and are doing YBCR (where I sign the word/picture up on the screen). It’s funny to see him get all excited when Rachel is on the screen, it cracks me and my wife up–I think he has a crush on her!

My baby started signing when she was 11 months old. They need to have coordination of her little hand before start signing.

My baby started signing for milk when he was 5 months old. I taught him when he was 4 months old. Now at 6.5mo he started doing actions like ‘arms up/down’, clap etc. (though not perfect, very cute to see his attempt).

My children have had a range with when the first sign appeared. The youngest was 10 months, average has been closer to 12 months. We love the Signing Time dvds and began using them with our 2nd child who was nonverbal at age 2. He quickly learned to sign AND speak, though he had some speaking difficulties that had to be resolved through surgery eventually. We have signed with every child since, and our oldest learned to sign as child #2 did.

My little guy is 8 months and not signing yet, but when he’s upset I can sign “eat” or “milk” and if he smiles and gets happy, I know that he wants one or the other. So at least he’s understanding

Zed’s first sign was “potty” and he was 4 or 5 months old… Not sure actually. One more thing that I didn’t think to write down for his baby book. He started signing “bird” about a couple months ago (7 or 8 months old) because we have quite a few that he can see out the patio doors. He always liked them so I always pointed them out to him. His bird sign is very approximate. it’s like he’s sucking on his knuckles and waving (or one hand clapping). It’s adorable.

Mine have understood signs long before they used them, and still the younger two understand more signs than they use. It’s pretty normal, just like understanding what is said to them long before they can speak clearly in response.

I had to look up this info in our Baby Book, so, do write these things down otherwise, you’ll forget.
My daughter first signs were “eat” and “more” at 9 months, couple weeks after I started to show her Baby ST. Now at 14 months she knows ~ 50 signs ( she is usually saying the first syllable of the word while using the sign)
We were watching BabyST when she was younger and started using ST at about 12 month and at the moment that is her favorite program. We have ST full collection,
which I highly recommend. My daughter learning soo much from it.

I think it was about 11 months or so when Lily signed some simple things like more, milk. Then at 13 months we asked her to sign some random things and realized she knew the entire BST series, it just never “came up” in conversation with her and we never thought to ask,

For Owen, he signed milk at about 9 months last month, and he attempts to sign the ABCs which we sign and sing all the time. He kicks his legs and randomly waves his hands when we sign it. Of course it’s incomprehensible, but we know what he’s trying to do. So cute. He also said his first 'real" word last week. “six” while watching “Meet the numbers.” He tries to talk all the time now, babbles alot but sometimes he’s pretty clear. Loves to make “Ssssssssssss” sounds right now when I ask him what sound a snake makes.

Hi, I started signing to my baby girl when she was about 6mths, and her sign is ‘take bath’ when she is about 8mths+. Usually it takes about 1-2mths for the baby to understand and sign back.

I learned those signs from internet resources. Apparently there are quite a no. of baby signing program. Which one do you prefer - Baby Signs? Signing Time? My Smart Hand? or any others recommendable?

Hi, my daughter started to sign when she was 9mo. It was ‘milk’. I wasn’t so serious aout teaching her to sign but since her first sign I started to do it everyday. Though her signs and gestures are all hilarious and a bit different I try to understand them. For examples, if she sign for books she will raise her palms almost parallel with her shoulders. Maybe the one she’s reading was a big book…haha! At 15mo, she signs as she speaks the words. At the moment, I try to figure out what she’s trying to say when she press her index finger onto her chin lol

This makes me feel a little better, I’ve been signing with our little guy since about 6 months(just turned 10 months today) and his favorite videos are signing time. He has yet to make a sign, so I was a little worried and discouraged to be honest. He does babble a LOT and so far says “mama” “dada” and “cat”. I suspect one day he’ll surprise us by knowing everything all along.

An update on my kids and signing- DD (25 months) still signs frequently as she speaks when she wants to be sure we understand or for emphasis. Occasionally it’s hard to understand her because her grammar is still developing and she likes that it makes it easier for us to understand her I think.

My son will be 12 months in 2 days and hasn’t signed much at all since the previous post really. He hasn’t gotten as much BST exposure as DD had at his age to be honest (but he has been exposed to reading, math, etc, sooo much sooner, we’ve done a variety of things instead of just focusing on signing). We just keep signing the basics to him and expect one day he will show us more when he’s ready or just choose not to, and that’s okay too. We know for sure he understands though because we can sign “bath” and he makes a beeline for the tub!

Baby finally did his first sign “more” while eating the other day at 10.5 months!

How exciting! It is good to know they are really “getting” it isn’t it? And to know you are helping them communicate and not feel so frustrated before they can verbally express themselves. I just love teaching babies ASL!

I wanted to update this thread as well, my son has just started signing more as of the last 2 weeks or so. He just turned 12 months on Dec 29. He started signing milk again regularly, and has signed dog, bath, up (upstairs), and hat, all within the last 3 days. They will all get there in their own time. I am guessing this is going to be just like DD and he is now approaching a signing explosion.

Also, he signed dog for the first time after I showed him the flashcard dog and he read it (his first word that I know of) and responded with a sign. So proud of my little guy!!

I only started signing last week. Nikki wants his nappy off but can’t vocalise his need to go to the potty, so I looked up the sign for toilet and used it with him one afternoon. The next day I was shocked and amazed when he started signing ‘toilet’ just after filling his nappy! :yes: I went straight out and ordered some British signing books that I’d been eyeing up for a while but was somewhat dubious as to whether the possible success was worth the price. :biggrin: He now obviously recognises the signs for milk, food and more (which he gets especially excited about), although he still only really signs toilet - I think he just likes the hand motion as he does it all day :rolleyes:

I’m now wishing I had introduced signing much earlier - to be honest I almost certainly would have had programs like signing time been available in British sign language. I will definitely do so from birth whenever I have another child :smiley:

My daughter started signing back to us when she was 11-month:
