When did you start giving solid food and what type?

I was convinced that it was a world recomendation that babies should receive exclusively milk (better breastmilk than formula) for at least the first 6 month of their lives.
I was surprised to read on another thread that some countries recomend start giving solid food after the fourth month of age.
Is this only different point of view of doctors, is it somthing cultural, regional or what?

Hi, it depends on your baby. E.g. If your bb has low weight/long term milk strike or etc, the doc will advise you to start solids as early as 4 months. Otherwise, it would be better to start solids aft 6 months old as baby’s digestive system is mature at 6 months old. Introduce solids too early might have risks of food allergy

I also heard recently that some were going back to feeding solids earlier (from 4 months)

My first daughter we started with rice cereal around 5 months of age. I haven’t yet decided what we will do with my second daughter who is 3 months old now.

I have started some of my babies on cereal very early, (like a month) when they had reflux…it didn’t really help though. with my 5th and 6th child I have waited until they are 6+ months, which I think is a much better option. All they need is breast milk before that. I like to start with something simple like Avocados :smiley:

I am also in the same dilemma right now. My son is 18 weeks and he is exclusively breast fed till today. I am contemplating on starting with solid food soon probably when he is 20 to 24 weeks( ard 6 months). I read that simple food such as Avacado and sweet potato are easier and rich with vitamins and nutrients compared to cereal. I am thinking of Avacado too

You can start solid food after 10 months of baby age but liquid food can be given after 5 months.

I think the recommendation is six months in most countries, unless there is a medical exception to do so earlier. That said, it is unlikely to harm baby to start after four months :slight_smile:

I started weaning at 4 months exactly due to terrible reflux. Because my son was 10 weeks early, he was still only around 8 pounds in weight… or newborn sized. The looks I got when feeding my apparent newborn solid food in public :rolleyes:

There is another group of people who say you shouldn’t wean until baby is ready. This is baby-led weaning and can mean baby is on milk only until 9-10 months or later! The idea is that you wait until the child is interested in food and then allow them to try things off your plate (like soft-cooked vegetables). I don’t know what the official line is on this one, but it is quite popular here in the UK. :biggrin:

I started with green peas when my son was 6 months old. His face got red due to allergies so I tried avocado and to this day it is his favorite food.

I see that there are different customs throught the world. When my sons were babies we use to give them ‘granadilla’ juice at 4 month old and some cereal from rice. We always introduce something new separate from other things in order to see that reaction cause as Mela Bela mention it can cause a reaction. By 6 month they were having juice and we start with more mashed (puree type) food.
Now my grandaughter is pure milk, not even water. I use to give her mom a lot of water with ‘anis’ that was suppose to be good for her stomach. Now she likes and drinks a lot of water wich is excellent for breastfeeding but she normally likes water.

Will see if she has more milk to at least keep up to the sixth month only with breast milk.

I started giving solid food a day after Razella turned 4 months. It really depend on your baby if you can start with solids. It is okay to feed them if they can support their head already, can sit with support and they show interest in foods.

You can introduce solids any time between 4 and 6 months if your baby is ready. Until then, breast milk or formula provides all the calories and nourishment your baby needs and can handle. His digestive system simply isn’t ready for solids until he nears his half-birthday.

I had come across this article which can give a clear idea about this information


Most people I know start giving solid foods at around four to six months. It seems to depend on both the baby and the mother. They usually start with rice cereal (here we tend to use cerelac). Cerelac comes in different steps and flavors that appeal to a baby. They also give mashed fruits like banana, apple, pear and vegetables like carrots. After a few months, when a baby can sit up right and choking is not a concern, I know some people who give small finger foods like cheerios. This helps the baby learn how to hold small things between two fingers (pincer grasp) and to eat on his own.

I started giving solid foods after 6 months. I have started with rice cereal and banana. She really loved it.

Hi there,
I also just started my baby on solids recently (just a little over 4 months). I was going to wait until he turned 6 months but I felt that he was ready for solids. He would put everything in his mouth and I was breastfeeding him twice as much and he would still get hungry a lot quicker even after more feeding. I started him with bananas, then carrots, sweet potato and pumpkin. He loves them all! I am introducing fish today (pureed with sweet potato) as I read that fish and meats (iron fortified foods) should actually be one of the first foods to introduce.
He’s also got another tooth coming out (his second one) and I think he’s not having the usual “teething” problems since I started him on solids.

Before introducing solid food, baby must be ready to swallow the food.
Try these foods:
rice and bread
Starchy foods

ue to the individual features of each baby any hour restrictions concerning the baby led weaning first foods are senseless, and moreover can be harmful to It is possible to begin led-weaning with the first foods when the baby is ready for it. Usually such readiness comes by 5-6 months of life (sometimes it is later), after the maturation of children’s nervous system, brain and gastrointestinal tract. It can be seen, if:

the baby shows active interest in food in your plate;
from the moment of birth its weight has increased twice;
the baby can sit independently or with the minimal support;
the baby is able or tries to hold a spoon in hand, can take food from a spoon;
the baby can show refusal of food (turns its head away);
its tongue-thrust reflex of solid food faded;
the child’s need for food increases – feeding frequency is changing, either you breastfeed, or give formula;
its first tooth grew up (unnecessary condition).
Here also a good list of products suitable for 4 -6 months children)))