When did you start actively working on early learning?

I’ve been trying to get my little one to watch video’s since about 3 months but he never seemed interested in watching the TV. I let the video’s play, but I’m not actually sure he’s getting anything out of it. We’ve been using the My baby can read for about 3 weeks now and he will only watch about a minute at the most and he only does the actions after I say them. Anyone have any thoughts on getting him to be more involved in learning? As a side note, he is very inquisitive about lots of things but not sitting and watching TV.

I started when my baby was 5 months old at that time i showed him videos and flash card.But he was not interested in flash card till one year .And after one year i started again at that time also he was interested,he was interested in many other things.After that i introduced him to book when he was 10 months old and than he showed a lot of interest.So i continued to show hin books.And later on when he 15 months old at that time i introduced him to flash card but only to pictures and not words.Because he wast not liking.Meanwhile i was also stimulating his smelling sense.By let him smell all our Indian spices like cloves,cinnamon,turmeric powder etc and i started swimming when he was 10 months.Now I have started little reader’s slide show now i m assuming he his learning from it and liking i can say.I beleive never ever over burden your child. otherwise they will get bored.And i make him see little reader only once or twice a day ie 5 -7 categories.and if doesnt want to see he will say no.So i stop at that moment immediately.


My son is now 2 yrs old i for got to mention that in the above post

I think we probably started from Day 1 with infant stimulation cards. and if you consider prenatal education to be ‘early learning’, then it would be Day -200…
