When did you see results?

Ok so I’m using flash cards downloaded from brill kids. Have been using them for 2 months now and also using flash card slide shows.

My daughter is really interested in the cards and the slideshows and loves watching them but I have no idea if she is really taking it in.

Was just wondering how long you had been using the flash cards with your child before you noticed results and also what your method was.

My dd shows some knowledge here and there. We have been working on it for about 2 months and she is 17months old. She will ocasionally say a word that I show her or say a number when shown a dot card. So she is obviously learning them but doesn’t like to be on display.

I started using the Doman method at 11 months, and the YBCR at 15 months. She is now 17 months. So far I haven’t tested her, so I do not know where she is at. She read the word ‘wave’ once about a few weeks back and that is it.

She likes the powerpoint presentations right now more than the flashcards or the DVD.

I just keep thinking to myself that eventually she will show me what she knows and in the mean time I will keep playing games with her. I have to remember to focus on the FUN playing games and not on the results.

We got into all of this well after our boy had started talking. We didn’t even know kids could learn to read at such an early age until he was around 21 months or so, and he was sounding out his first CVC words a month later. So it was very easy to tell that he was making progress in learning to read, because he read out loud for us (according to the plan described on http://www.mediafire.com/fleschcards). I know this doesn’t help you if you have a much younger child, except to say that you might be able to restart, or use a different approach, later with more obvious results.

I don’t know what is normal, but my baby’s cousin started YBCR at age 24 months, and he is reading many of the words well, on cue, at age 30 months. I think you get to “see” the results quicker at older ages because they are much more eager to show you because they appreciate the praise more at the more mature ages. My baby is 14 months and we are only doing Signing Time, we hope to start YBCR soon, but I’m like you OP I would like to “see” results so we may wait until he is talking more. Right now he only says “no” and “mama” :rolleyes:

I started teaching my daughter to read at 12 months of age and she showed her first sign that she was picking something up two weeks later, however I only ever saw signs about every two months after that until she was about 16 months old when I began giving her opportunities to show me what she knew (I’d show her two words and ask her which said… and she’d give me the correct word) Even at this age I didn’t push it - often she’d give me both words and wasn’t interested in showing what she knew. Now at 20 months (some 8 months since I began) she can show me very well that she knows the words - she will fetch the correct word almost every time, will read a few of the words out loud without us asking her to and can point to the correct word in a sentence even when the sentence contains 6 or 8 words. I try not to test her too often, but she actually seems to enjoy it - she asks to draw and will bring the correct words in exchange for kokis so she can draw - and I know she just likes the game because often afterwards she doesn’t actually draw :slight_smile:

I think a lot is age related and perhaps also gender related regarding the testing - girls are more eager to please and children younger than about 15 months are very unlikely to show you they can read on a regular basis. As they approach two years old you are likely to see a lot more, but they are taking it all in all the time.

It’s comforting to hear that, Tanikit. Like others, I am also eager to see results on my 14 month baby. We started at 12 months. Like you said, she sometimes pick the right one but most times are not very interested to be tested. Naturally, I’ll be a bit sceptical if my method is working since I’m not able to really test her at this age. I guess I’ll just need to continue what I’m doing and have trust in her that she’s picking them up!

I’m soo glad I read this threat. My daughter is only 5 and a half months old and we have been doing this for about two months. We have a long way to go before we can figure out if she has actually learn something, which I’m sure she has :yes: She is a smart little girl :laugh: I know it lol This helps because that way as khaty said, we can focus on the “fun” of the process and one day I know we will find out how much she has learn and how much it has helped her brain development in general.

hi there.

i would like to share my experience and some advice.

i started the baby program at 3 months or earlier. you know, when you show the contrasting pics. i then waited till six months to begin words. i was on an off on the program. not at all consistent coz i didnt know if he was learning. i knew he liked it though. he read mama at 12 months or earlier not too sure. he started speaking earlier. i introduced dots but wasnt consistent.

he now reads lots of words.

my advice to all parents with tiny babies (birth 2 a year)

do not stop your program.

if you can be more consistent the better.

i wish that when i started at 6 months i was more consistent.

i wish i had started maths when he was six months.

a six month old is way easier to teach than a 2 yr old. a 2 yr old is going through emotional upheavals but a six mnth old just soaks it all up.

introduce reading and maths as early as possible coz your LO is learning. i know its hard coz u cant test but if you know what i know now then you will start a consistent program early.

treat your tiny baby like a 6 year old and yourself like a teacher. you wouldnt let your six year old skip class. the same with the tiny baby.

skip class only if the fail safe law is broken which is
“if you arent having a wonderful time and your child isnt having a wonderful time then STOP you are doing something wrong” (doman)

Thank you fatima! Your post was so encouraging :yes: Sometimes it gets a little bit hard to be consistent, specially during the weekends if you have company. I’m trying to get more organized before I start again with flash cards. Right now I’m doing YBCR while I get my schedules and words together so I can be consistent. We are following Doman’s math program, I love it! and she does pretty good with it. Maybe she know it is mom’s favorite subject lol

I am new to this website, but I started YBCR when my son was around 8 months old and at the time I thought I was starting too late. (since Dr. Titzer recommends starting around 4 months). I worked long hours at the time, so I could only show the videos in the mornings before work. I didn’t see any results until he was around 14-15 months old. That was when he started recognizing the words and participating with the videos, ( like arms up and pointed to body parts)

but now that is over active 2.5 years old, he has absolutely no interest in the YBCR videos, he actually has a fit when I put them on, partly my fault because I stopped showing YBCR at around 20 months and switched to leapfrog learning videos. It was a trade off, he learned his abcs in a few months but hasn’t really gotten to reading full sentences yet…

I started the program with my 5 month old earlier this month, I decided to try it with my twin 3 year olds as well, I know many early childhood experts believe that before three is the best time, but they’re still under six, so I’m hoping there may be some success. :blush: Of course I see no results in the infant, but my twin boy seems to be showing signs that he is learning the words. A couple of times a day I lay out 2 cards and ask him to give me the card that says "Nana, or “eyes” we can do this with about 30 cards and he gets 99% of them right. He actually looks at both of them and chooses the correct card. The other day I laid out 3 and 4 cards and I asked him to give me “eyelashes” and he gave me the correct card each time. With my twin girl I can’t tell. She’s about 50/50. She likes “learning time” but she often doesn’t look at the cards she only repeats them. When I ask her to give me a specific card she usually doesn’t give me the correct card. I know it’s still very early in the game. So we’ll see how it goes.

kdhokal, have you tried Little Reader , or YBCT flashcards or only YBCR video?
Maybe he is to old for the videos which I read from another thread that takes around 7 month of learning. Maybe he is bored and needs to be challenged with a different method. Somthing like that happen with my 2 yr 4 month grandson with bits of inttelligence. He show signs that make me change to a different set of images and got exited again.

We started YBCR at 23 months old; and 2 weeks later she read her first word “tiger.” Now 2 months later, we are still hooked. Sometimes she refuses the video but we also use Little Reader and the YBCR flashcards and books too. Almost every day she finds some part of the program enjoyable but refuses another. She is a very fickle 25 month old. And yet, fortunately she happily reviews words in some format daily. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can finds ways to keep it exciting until she becomes an independent reader. It might be a long haul, but I’m sure I will continue to find great ideas from this wonderful forum.

Thanks Everyone, Lori