When did you let your child see a movie?


I’m curious when did you start bringing your child to the movie?


I haven’t yet, but I’m thinking about taking him to see the new toy story movie this summer if I can find it playing in 2D. He is 2.5.

My daughter is 27 months old…I don’t think she is ready to go to the movies yet…she varely sits for a 20 minutes cd show at the house I can’t imagine at the movie theater… We took her to theater last weekend winnie the pooh show…it was a 90 minutes shoe but guess what… we had to leave the theater after 30 nminutes…she was done!!!(she got scared of the tiger) it was funny because she has a stuffy animal at the house which is a tiger she loves it!!it is her favorite one. But I don’t think she likes to see grownups wearing tiger outfits.
Well Maybe when she gets older maybe after she turns 3. But you know depends of your child…some kids at early age will sit still for the hole movie others won’t.

Thanks nhockaday and PY for your replies! Was actually thinking of bringing my little one to see Toy Story too. I’m just concerned about the volume (as movies normally have a loud volume which might be too much for toddlers???) and if he might be a bit overwhelemd with the big screen.

He might be. It may take him a little while to get used to it or he may think it is really cool to see such a big screen. You never know until you try. I do recommend trying to see Toy Story in 2D though. I don’t 3D would be good for a child so young. They aren’t going to keep the glasses on the whole time and the glasses hurt my eyes.

I don’t know where you live but where I am they have something called “mommy movies” where they turn down the volume and the lights are dimmed but the theater is not black and you can watch a movie. Lots of moms do that, they are in and out of the theater and it seems to work. I think it is more of a break for the mom than a real theater experience for the kids. Might be worth an internet search to see if it is offered. They happen Mondays at 11 am with a little coffee hour before.
the Doc :clown:

Yeah, I heard about the “Mum and Bub” movie days when I was down in Australia. Unfortunately they don’t have them where we live…

I figure I’ll take my son when he’s able to sit through an entire movie DVD at home without getting distracted and wanting to leave. It will still be a bit of a question mark because you never know how your child will react to the show in the theater. As PY said, sometimes they do get freaked by the oddest things. My son doesn’t like any characters with google eyes because he thinks they’re scary. So I guess it’s a very individual thing and it depends a lot on your child.

My first, not until she was 4-5. ‘Bug Story’. She was so overwhelmed by the experience, she got a fever which lasted 10 minutes after the movie ended. Honestly, I don’t believe kids under 6 or 7 need the incredible sensory (over)stimulation modern theaters present. There are no ‘gentle’ movies anymore.

On the upside, my girl never had nightmares. Never. She was never given more than she could handle.

We took our kids at 3 and 4, sadly we thought the Earth Movie wuld be good but it was much much too slow for there attention and we left 45mins in. But we just took them to the “cheap seats” its plays movies a few months before they come out on DVD so it was not really a waste. But I’d take them again I would just pick a better movie. That was mommy’s fault lol

We took K when she was about 2 & it went pretty well. We went again on the weekend - not so good. She was happy as long as she had popcorn, but was not at all interested in Shrek. Sometimes it is hard to guess what they will enjoy!

You may think I’m cruel, but not until my kids were 5 or 6. I just think it’s unnecessary and overstimulating. One-way stimulation. The whole experience. What’s the point? Entertainment, maybe, but my kids have never been lacking for ways to entertain themselves, which is certainly more enriching. And what in the world will ever compare to a movie theater experience?

When I took my first child at age 5-6 (Bug Story, Bugdom, something), she left the theater with a theater. Literally. she was so worked up by the whole experience. The fever receded within 10 minutes, but it just shows…

another anecdote – because my kids were never exposed to visual media besides home movies until a certain age, my kids never had nightmares. Truly.

It’s tough, though, if you live in a community. Depriving your kids of what ‘the Joneses’ feel is okay is not a way to win friends and influence people. Other parents feel judged.

Whatever. Have a beautiful day!

Wow. I forgot I’d already commented on this post and even recounted the same story. Talk about limited band width! My apologies.

Thank you so much for all your inputs! Appreciate them. :slight_smile: