When can I start to pressure my child?

My husband is thinking of teaching my daughter to sail and ride motorbikes asap but as these two activities involve certain levels of stress, we want to be sure that we do not inhibit her right brain function and development. When do you think is the best time to introduce these type of sports?


Those two activities seem to come with a requirement for some physical fitness and maturity. I’m also not sure this is the website that would be best for finding opinions that would say now it a good time or to wait for the child to become a little older. Have you searched any sites that are specific for sailing or motorbiking? Would there be any physical requirement to be on a boat sailing? If not and your child is only a passenger, I wouldn’t think there would be a minimum age. That is as long as follow the safety precautions for sailing (ie. life vest, etc…) Motorbiking implies there is a motor involved. I’m not sure that is safe for child who is so young. There must be some good forums or blogs for sailing and motorbiking that must have some useful information for you.

That’s only my 2 cents. not sure if any of this is helpful for you.

My neices started motorbiking at age 3, of course they went at very low speed and they have training wheels on motorbikes too. Once they can ride a regular bike without training wheels they should be able to do the same with a motorcycle. All depends on the kids and their skill level and what you’re comfortable with. You can make it so the machines wont go faster than a certain speed so they won’t go too fast. Also always always have them wear helmets. My neices love riding motorbikes, and it’s a great family activity for them. My son (3) has gone along and has riden with the older girls, and this year will likely ride by himself on the bike w/training wheels. I have no idea on the right brain or on sailing thing.