Whats Your Long Term Plan and goals

What is your Long term/Overall plan for your childs early education? What do you plan to do during their elementary years?

My intention and goal is that by the time they are primary or elementary school age (6 years old) that they will be fluent readers in all of their languages with large vocabularies and more than 1000 books read on their own. (plus 1000 or more read TO them), trilingual (at least) and masters of arithmetic and fractions, decimals and percents with a solid understanding of basic algebra (order of operations and such) and geometry. (Of course the goal is for them to be mental calculators!) with a well developed and nurtured right and left brain. Socially excellent (or close to it). Strong and confident swimmers and a good foundation in basic gymnastics and some form of martial arts. And a large knowledge base of Encyclopedic Knowledge. I will only teach them to write in cursive when they are young, from what ever time that they are ready for writin, its just my pet peeve. That bit about writing in cursive.

Because from 6 to 9, I want to be able to focus more on studying things of interest as in-depthly as possible. I’ll work to give my kids a indepth understanding of national history, science, technology and religion and I want them to develop a good skill/talent of drawing and painting also. But I dont mind letting my kids “follow their interests” during their elementary years so long as we can maintain their skills and basic knowledge base. At 10, I’m going to begin taking back over their learning/education because I want to direct them in such a way that if that they wanted to, they could graduate college and highschool simultaneously

I’ll answer to you not only regarding early learning, but in general.
A learning or teaching plan is one thing, a plan of what we want the child to do or be able to, is another.

In my family, I used to be the one making short and long term goals and plans. For now, I’ve jut let things go on their way, and I make only sketches… I can’t make plans like I used to… Life isn’t always going the way we plan it, it’s even better! Planning is good, though. It keeps us on the track.
I have dreams about how our son will be or what he will be able to do… but I can’t have expectations as he never stops to amaze us with what he can do. And what if I expect him to do one thing, and he does another, different, but in a way, more surprising or better or whatever?

I’ll do whatever I can do to show and teach our son as many things as I can about this world. But we’ll respect his choices on the run. He’s free to choose his religion, things he wants to study in depth and so on. Right now we’re concentrating on broading his perspective, so he knows what to choose from.
We’ve decided to be the pillars in his life. He can always count on us, he has to know we’ll always be there for him, and love him unconditionally. We’ve chosen to respect him and his wishes, even if he’s so young.

The thing about being a parent is, in our opinion, that no matter how we look at it, we’re the ones inevitably shapening the child’s perspectives. We imprint our vision on life to our child. And when he’s older, maybe he will want to get rid of that imprint to make his own vision - which would be natural, and hard or very hard, in the same time (it depends on how powerful was the parents’ personality and influence on the child - speaking from experience…)
Another way we see it, is that we can show him our way, by just doing what we do, living the way we want to, and also show him other ways too - and this is what life knows best how to teach, as life is the greatest teacher of all.
Also, we keep in mind that children need to feel secure - that means the family has to have a system of values, rules etc. Without a certain management in the family, lifes becomes too chaotic and the child will have hard times knowing how and what to choose in life.

Life for us is balance - emotional balance, physical balance, financial balance, social balance, spiritual balance, educational plan balance :slight_smile: etc.

What I would like for my daughter by the time she is 6 years old is for her to feel loved and to know that no matter what happens she has a family who loves and cares for her, and that God will be there for her in every situation. I want her to feel confident in who she is, know that she is a person in her own right with her own choices but that she is also a child and therefore under her parents authority. I want her to know that she needs to get an education as that is what is there to teach her how to live as a mature adult and that since I probably won’t be around when she reaches adulthood (or at least later adulthood) that I am not sure what she is going to be facing and so my ideas for her education is to make sure that she knows how to get knowledge by herself and find solutions to problems by herself and also how to find out what is new around her and how to use it to get what she needs/wants.

I also would like her to have some understanding of the fact that she lives in a community made of people who all have their own cultures and own beliefs and that people are allowed to believe differently from her - that it won’t make them right necessarily but that everyone is entitled to their own opinion (right or wrong) and also to respect as a human being.

I would like for her to be forming a relationship with God, learning about him and also questioning things rather than just accepting everything I tell her or everything anyone else tells her (I believe though that this is skill that starts more at 7 years of age) I want her to know she can ask others and look it up and not just believe it til she has tested it.

I would also like my daughter to have the understanding that we live in an imperfect world - that some people are trustable and are good and can help and others are bad and can hurt her. That there are ways to tell which is which, but that often instincts have to be honed so that she can tell. To enable this she must have a good sense of what is right and wrong, kind and unkind - basically a set of values and morals.

And finally I would like my daughter to feel free to discuss anything with me or her father and receive good feedback from us.

To me education is about preparing my daughter for the future and so while I will teach her to read and want her skills to keep up with what she is capable of and what she enjoys, in the end if it is not going to help her as she gets older thaen it is not education.

The ultimate goal in educating my son is to give him enough exposure and understanding in every possible subject that I can bring myself to understand so that he may see the glorious way in which all things are connected. I want him to understand that there really isn’t any point in trying to separate things, because each subject impacts another. I want to teach Josiah about how wonderful all things in nature are by teaching him and showing him as many animals, plants, and different terrains as possible. I want him to respect everything in some fashion. I want him to understand that many things really are unchangeable, but a little hope is never wasted. I want him to know sign language, Spanish, German, and a few other choice languages fluently, and to have enough foundations laid down that he can progress to learning any other he chooses. I want him to feel that academics are like a close friend that can help him appreciate and really see the world.

By the time he is 6, at the cutoff for the right brain, I want him to atleast touched on all these things and to understand the basics. That would include comfortably utilizing reading, writing, mathematics (as high up as we can get!), basic science foundations, geography, and sociology. I also want him to feel confident in his own abilities regarding anything academically, physically, artistically, musically… you name it.

What it ultimately boils down to, I think, is that I want my son to know himself very well throughout his life. Something I feel that a lot of people don’t have the opportunity to know until they are well into adulthood. I think people that really know themselves are the ones that find life to be the most enjoyable.

live in a better world, use the whole brain and not just the left brain. be creative to solve problems that can’t be solve in this generation, not to resort to war, it is strange how man can land on the moon, yet cannot resolve conflict.
behave boys! the ego of mankind, still cannot be solved in thousands of years.