whats with my 28month old?

I dont know where to ask this question
I have tried teaching sign language just so to add to his knowledge as he communicates well with words now.
What I found is he is struggling with his finger movements, he cant even make V!
whats wrong? how do i help him out?
bear in mind I am not a great teacher, i just show and let him learn all that hes learnt so far!
he’s like just cant make away with his fingers :frowning:

Sign language is not only good for learning new words, but also fine motor skills. Sign language teaches a child how to manipulate his fingers. You can also play finger games with songs like eensy weensy spider. There is a thread somewhere around here about finger games. Just do a search for it. Besides that, you can find a lot of fine motor skill activities on the internet. I recommend this site, http://www.earlylearningathome.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=53. It has many wonderful videos about activities you can do with your child to teach fine motor and pre-writing skills. Fine motor activities help your child learn control over his fingers and hands. I think you notice a difference if you try some of them.

This is normal, it’s called sign approximations. If you watch signing videos with children in them you will see a lot of this, even older kids. Usually they will make the correct motion in the correct location but it takes awhile to develop the coordination to make the correct hand shape. Fine motor skills will take a few years to develop. In the interim you will get to know your boy’s sign approximation just like you will know if he says something like “wawa” he means “water.” What really helps me understand my kids is to watch and listen. My daughter’s sing for “more” looks just like her sign for “ball”, if she is making a “B” sound I know she means ball. Something else, she also makes nonsense signs, just like she babbles nonsense. I just go along with it and say something like “Oh really?” It’s very cute. lol

Oh, I forgot to mention… there is no need to correct your son’s signing, just keep making the correct sign and he will get it.

Ok, I get it, hes just fumbling with all the signing and stuff, but he can already write some letters, draw circles and even make drawing with all ends meeting, and he’s started unbuckling his high chair before he turned one, which means he is doing ok motor skills wise, right? just that he needs time for the signing?
also one more thing, he used to b brave, very brave like he dont care for dark, screams and stuff, but awhile ago i was so hectic I made mistakes with regard to his upbringing, and now he’s scared even to the knock on a door!
Anything I can do to help him get rid of these fears? i never scared him off with anything, and encourage him to take risks all the time.
also he plays lego and he never found a problem taking off lids from his favourite “sweet” (vitamin C tablet) bottle! so I dont need to worry right?

I don’t think you should worry either way. The signing is just an enrichment activity, sounds like you are stressing over nothing, your child might be responding to your panic and nervous energy. Your child is thriving developmentally according to your description of him. Let it go.