what's the signs of starting to talk?

My girl is just starting to sprout out words … at least i think … earlier this month it was mama and signing it while looking at mummy … she doesn’t sign papa till well today … but has been calling papa from ealier this month or was it earlier … and this week just started pronouncing apple and banana properly … used to be nananana … well did say gate cat duck when she was around 12-15 mths likes to say it repeatitively for a week or 2 and then stopped … never to repeat again …hmmmmmm :unsure:

Anyway i am not sure if this is the start of the hmmmm talking phrase…?? you know just feeling her tongue and oral movement … but it also coincide with this period where she wants to brush her teeth … and her 5th and 6th and 7th tooth are coming out and she is drooling much … now … well this 2 weeks at least and her vocab since to have gone more complex (complex babbling)… but no clear words yet …

hmm any parents with experience and recorded the event of their child starting to speak?? how long before the bursting of words ?? long way to go?? what else need we do …?? some said use single words repetitively till she gets a hang …

I am not sure what you are asking but it seems like she is already talking.

All children are different with how fast the words comeout.

Talk, talk, talk this is the best way to encourage her.

When she grabs her cup say “Oh you want a drink of juice.”

it helps to make sure you’re speaking in a loud, clear voice, and making eye contact with them when you talk. I think that helps them to learn words faster.

hi thx … well there was earlier post where some says their baby started yalking at 4mth … but i wouldn’t go to such extreme as saying blabbling as talking.

I define talking as able to use couplets or sentences or pointing to something and saying the name independently, rather than to repeat after someone and not pronouncing it properly … , so we are at the “repeat after someone and not pronouncing it properly” phrase …with limited word vocabulary … … if this is the initial phrase of starting to talk, … when does it reach the phrase of actually talking independently and in couplets and sentences …, and how do i go about fostering it to speed it up…

GD method is keep teaching, and since i am n sentences and stories …, but some says we should slow down to single word, keep repeating it, till she gets a hang of it instead of speaking sentences to her … (she understands sentences and instructions, but she can’t vocalize it), if i go back to single words … it would be like going backwards … but if it helps her to leanr to talk faster or earlier then i may need a combination of both … instead of just single words … so askng for a little pointer here …

I know some people says once the child talks they never stop, and they felt its so noisy, … i would be happy to hear that … as then i have plenty to share with the child …yikity yak yak .