What's Mom's job worth?

My husband wanted me to see this “news” from Nightly News to cheer me up (Wasn’t it nice :biggrin: ) Anyways, I wanted to share it with you, all the moms here and the fathers that are part of this website becase it say a lot about (you will be gettin aprt of this salary :smiley: )

Hope you enjoy it! :slight_smile:


Holy crap! A sahm is worth $122K this year! I wish someone would actually pay me that.

I’m worth way more than 122K a year, and a mummy’s role is priceless!!!

Canadian’s Today’s Parent had an article in the May issue on the same topic. If I recall correctly, a Canadian Full Time Mom is worth $116,000 (Canadian). If I’m worth so much, how come I frequently feel worthless?

You girls are funny… :laugh:
But no matter how much they think our job is worth, we do the most precious job inthe planet!!

Yes, I totally agree with PY. My husband would like me to stay home to teach our younger boy (Gavin) after seeing the wonderful job I had done for the older one (Lucas) when I was a stay home mum for a year. Lucas was able to talk in sentences, write his name, alphabets and numbers and was also toilet-trained all by two and a half (within the 6 months after I stopped working). He would like me to repeat the same with Gavin who’s turning 1 in late May.

However, I love my job to much to give it up :nowink: . So I’m trying my best to juggle teaching the younger old, keeping my job and supervising the older boy who has started primary school.

That is true, but I think sometimes we, moms, forget that! Sometimes, I feel like khatty… That is why I wanted to share it with you :smiley:

Even though in the bottom of my heart I know that…

I definitely agree that our role as moms is priceless, but 122K would be really nice right now lol

122$k. now convert that into rands. id be a millionaire in a couple of years!

ahhh if only!!!

the joys of motherhood! (sigh)