What your kindergardner needs to know.........let's all do it!!

HI All

I have been reading through ED Hirsch’s Book, “what your kindergardner needs to know”. There were quite a few gaps in my Bits presentations and so I have written out a whole list that hasn’t been covered. Most of the material in the book has been posted in some form or another on this forum and others. If you really want the details, I would be happy to loan you my book.

But instead of me doing all the bits, I was wondering if we wanted to start a thread where each person takes one. It would make the work load so much easier on me. Especially, since I am expecting in a month. Here are the topics and I am more than happy to take the first one - Tom Sawyer.

Tom Sawyer
Daniel Boone
Booker T. Washington
Veteran’s day
Labor day
Memorial day
M.L. King
Lincoln’s bday
Washington’s bday
Independence day

I am going to work through “What your first grader needs to know” and if this is a hit, maybe we can do the same thing for that?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

I would like to do Thanksgiving!

Your idea is an excellent one! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! 2 down and a whole lot more to go. So who wants to take the remaining bits… It is going to be so comforting to know that we will already be at a first grade level once these are covered.

Daniel Boone
Booker T. Washington
Veteran’s day
Labor day
Memorial day
M.L. King
Lincoln’s bday
Washington’s bday
Independence day

Okay, Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer is uploaded.

While looking for Thanksgiving ppts and clipart, I found a neat Thanksgiving site that has some ppts that we can use for our children: http://holidays.pppst.com/thanksgiving.html

Another site with Thanksgiving ppts!


I uploaded the Thanksgiving bits that I made! :slight_smile:

Oh, this is neat. I will try to participate! I’m am terrible with history though… :slight_smile: LOL!

I will do Labor Day, since it’s coming up, or another topic if Labor Day is already done. However, I am new to this so can you give me some guidelines for how to set up the PowerPoint, how many pictures and words, etc? Single words or sentences? I’ve seen quite a lot of variation the presentations that I’ve looked at.

Thanks Quiet Cricket. To do it purely Doman style is really easy. Simply chose the 10 most important points of labor day. If you can condense them to a few words per page that is great. Then add a picture after each explanation. That simple. Of course, that is the basic idea. You can increase the information to your liking. Thanks so much. I have done one on Sinbad the sailor that I am going to upload too.

Labor Day presentation is attached to this post and I uploaded it in the Uploads section as well but I’m not sure it will be approved there before Monday!

Happy Labor Day everyone!!

Perfect timing!! THanks so much. I have just had my baby so unfortunately, I am not able to contribute that much at this time. it is so appreciated! Thanks again.

I did Independence Day.

Isn’t it pocahontas? Im a bit confused. :smiley: