What would you do again?

I just posted some of our story and I wanted to share what we are doing for our 2nd child. We did a full program for our 1st per Doman.
Reading- I am definitely doing this again. Things I will do differently: focus on one language, use word cards without pictures as well as with, keep the font as big as possible, and get to couplets and phrases as quick as possible.
Math dots- I have seen no lasting benefits of this, but babies love it. It teaches focus and the vocabulary of math. I really think it helps develop the brain.
EK-I have seen great results, but only when done as POI with magnitudes.
Physical- This was major. The crawling, walking, running, swinging, etc. boosted our program. When we slowed down the physical program learning in general slowed.
Pitch training- This went well and didn’t require all of the fancy things people buy for it.
Foreign language-This is the hardest for me. I speak German,but it is hard to run all the other programs and still do OPOL. I’ve not figured out a good balance.

James will be 3 in December 2012

Doman reading: I would do more. I would do less phonics for the first 3 years. James is having phonics confusion with words and phonics is a struggle for him. But he does really well with whole words. I wish I just kept at it working at couplets and sentences.

Doman math: I am not sure. I would do it on the side but not as aggressively.

Doman physical; yes! I would do over. It is what has had the most results for us. And it was the easiest. James lived on his belly as a baby. :slight_smile:

Doman pitch training: I wish I had done it. Maybe we will have a keyboard by the time with have #2

Foreign language: indecisive. My son was speech delayed so we struggled to get him to talk. He was very good at sign language for a while but we have phased it out over time.

I would do way way way more word cards.
Triple the encyclopedic knowledge.
I would seek extrnal help for languages. I just think it would be so much easier if the kids have a native speaking/ immersion baby sitter or playgroup.
I would find another mum to do EL with. The support would be priceless as would the motivation!
I would still use the basic physical program I did before but I would be more forceful about getting my kids in the correct level classes for external activities ( gymnastics, swimming ect) we wasted ALOT of mo eyesight for the kids to be old enough to go up a level!
Music i would do a lot more music activities and add Little Music it’s great :biggrin:
I don’t think I would do Doman dots. But I would actively teach math. Maybe doing dots to 20 then teaching numerals, positioning, addition, fractions…