What Would Be Good To Do With YBCR To Help?

I only have the YBCR DVDs and I just want to know what I can do in addition to showing the DVDs to help my daughter read. She’s been watching the DVDs for 6 months mostly steadily, and only mimics some actions like arms up, clap, and the action songs. If I show her flash cards what is the best way to do it? (How often, how many cards, what do I say when I show them, do I rotate cards, etc.) Please let me know, I’m drawing a blank! Also if I do LR do I have to do additional cards or is the program in itself enough? Thanks everyone!

Hi Tattooedmommy,

re: YBCR supplements

You may want to search the free powerpoints…PY has kindly submitted her presentations for a few of the dvds (I think the only one missing is for the last dvd…). When my son was doing YBCR regularly I printed out her presentations and made them into books for him (page protectors & a duotang).

I also printed out some of the animal words and bought toy animals to match. We’d play “games” with them (just like Titzer did in his parent video) (ie. make the giraffe find “his word”, give Momma the __, etc.)


Reading has been taught by many people across the globe in many different ways. There is no set formula that you have to follow. Every additional thing you do will help.

Here are a few suggestions:
Print a few flash cards. You can sit her down, show her 10 cards, shuffle the cards the following time and repeat, etc. My daughter found sitting for flashcards too boring, so I pasted them around my house. I started with items in the house (table, chair, fork, spoon, etc.). Once she knew those then I did other words and pasted a picture next to it (like the word bird and a picture of a bird) Once I thought she knew the word then I removed the picture, kept it where it was for a few days, then moved the words around the house. We play a lot of games - I ask her to find specific words, or choose out of a few words. My daughter likes to move a lot, so most of what we do it in motion.

When you read books that have large fonts point to the words as you read them.

Download free PowerPoints and play them.

Download the free trial for Little Reader and try it out.

When there is a specific topic that your daughter is interested in then make a PowerPoint or words for that topic. We go to the zoo regularly and my daughter loves the monkeys, so I did a set with all the monkeys that are at the zoo.

Watch Readeez videaos on YouTube. They are fun and a great way to expose her to new words.

When you do drawing/coloring write a big word on a paper and read it to her. Hold her hand and help her trace the word.

The method you use is not that important, what is important is that you make it fun and interesting. If she seems bored of one method then try something different.

Thank you for all the ideas! I know there’s different ways, but I’m so tired and frazzled that I just need someone to tell me what to do and I’ll do it. LOL! My creativity is temporarily gone. Thanks!

Yes Kizudo, you are right my friend I still have to make the last book. vol.3 . I apologize for that! With vacation, then holidays, new year…work full time I am just needed of time but I will give some time and dedication to do it! I promise…it will be done probably for middle of Feb… Thanks for your support, my daughter has memorized all the slides I did for her books…she reads the books very well…It makes me happy and give me energy to keep going. I am glad to use it with your child too.
Have a good night

I have recently stumbled across a free website that does online flash cards. My daughter likes them a lot. They have a good variety of categories on their site. You should definitely check out the site, to see if your baby likes them. :slight_smile: The website is http://www.memoflix.com