What will you put under the Christmas tree?

My daughter is 16m and I’d like for her to have beautiful Christmas memories. Christmas used to be very special when i was a little girl.
I’m a thinking of the best items to get for her. I don’t have a large budget though and do not want to overbuy. What i am thinking so far is a plastic table + chair so she can have her own little space. For toys, nothing battery powered, maybe blocks (wooden ones?)
That’s all I can think of!
Any ideas? ]’

I got my son a play kitchen and food for his birthday. He loves it. It’s great for imaginative play.

Every child needs some blocks - very good for creative play. I recently bought my daughter a set of Magneatos (magnetic blocks) and she REALLY loves them and so do all her play dates. Lots of places sell them and they are not too pricey. See http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2413224

This one ,looks like a good idea!! Thanks laughingwater…I am sure my 20 months old girl will love them.

I was thinking what to get her for christmas, i say a play kitchen, some leapfrog magnets words for the refri(she loves playing in the refri),a kids slide for the snow(we have tons of snow), new books, and some more Signing Time DVD’s.
For stockings maybe some kids wood musical instruments,you know small ones.
In Febreruary she will turn two and we decided to get her a piano…I am searching info about what kind should I get her…we will see.

If you guys have more ideas just let me know.

Hi, I got my little girl (almost 20 months) a baby doll with a potty, bottle, bib, etc. plus a pram. She just loves babies & she always wants to push her own stroller. So that way she can do two things she loves at one time. :smiley:

Where will you do your shopping? I’m thinking of doing everything online (a mix of ebay + discount online shops). Are there good educational/green shops online?

Colin is getting some board games I picked up on sale for $1.99 each at Toy R Us :). (memory, candyland, chutes and ladders) He is getting some educational vidoes (little PIM) and a toy microwave oven with some food. For fun he is getting some hot wheel cars a small racetrack that inverts and a remote control car. Mommy got him a cash register with toy money and some leggos. I am going to get him a musical instrument for perfect pitch.

My dd is getting the leap frog 3 letter word fridge magnet, books, & Signing Times DVD’s. The kitchen sets & block are great ideas - ours have been played with a lot. I’m going to keep the cash register idea in mind for dd’s bday.

So far, my dd is getting some construction toys ( Superstructs and Trio). Hopefully she can really build with them. They were both recommended for ages 3 and up. She will be 3 in april. She is always fighting over her older brother’s construction toys. Also two National Geographic DVDs (“Get Your Passport” and “The Journey Continues”) that teach about countries and cultures throughout the world. For imaginative play, she is getting some Ni Hao Kai-Lan figures and Littlest Pet Shop animals. She circled pics of them in the toy magazine to let me know that she wanted them.


Well… I’m not really inspired… so far I’ve bough clothes and shoes (not really a gift, but she needs them and will be happy to unwrap I’m sure…), a wooden puzzle with the alphabet and two sets of wooden blocks (one regular and one with letters on all sides…)
Currently trying to buy a pretend kitchen second=hand… new, they are incredibly expensive and I’ve seen some for up to $600! :ohmy:

Hi hypatia did you check out toysrus? In canada right now they have lots of sale on toys and the pretend kitchen like half price. They might be cheap too where you are. 600 dollars way too much. I don’t celebrate christmas, but I buy stuff for my son because lots of stuff I need are on sale this time of year.

Hi Jakim
I’m in Australia. Thank you for the toys r us suggestion. I’ll have a look :nowink:
I’ve been buying a bit more… a tricycle and a drawing table (with the seat attached to it)

My little one is 21 months old. He has been showing a lot of interest in the two children’s atlases we have. We’ll be buying him a globe for Christmas. That’s it. We bought a mini trampoline a few months ago and we may give him that now, too. His grandparents and aunts & uncles go a bit overboard with gifts so we won’t be doing a whole lot more.