What were some of your sweetest memories as a child and which one was the best

Hearing that there was no school because of a strom.
When I got my first bike

The best was to go to my grandmother’s house and play with these three wodden dolls. It made them special because my grandma wouldn’t let me take them home. lol

:happy: Sundays at my grandparents. We always visited our grandparents during Sundays, and when my grandfather was alive, he used to take all of us kids to a mall (which seemed so big then) and let us choose one toy each which he would buy.

Long road trips. My family loved to travel, and we would take these long (3-6 hour) trips on the road and it would always lead to a new adventure - a church we’ve never been to, a beach, a mountainside picnic, or a clubhouse.

Breakfast by the lake - Often we would pack a couple of baskets and head off to the lake for breakfast! Nothing like egg and bacon done on the braii!! And the best was condensed milk in our coffee yum…

I second long road trips. We used to drive from Ohio to Florida once a year. It was a 2 day trip and we would listen to books my mom had read onto tape, make up silly games and sing.

Another would be camping trips with my family. I loved staying up late playing cards, hiking, swimming and sitting by the camp fire.

When my cousins and I used to play in the family’s backyard I was the only girl or when I watched my favorite Tvs program or eating sandwiches of fried chicken skin at my aunts house.
The best was my family and I going to the mountains on a short trips m father with an explorer knife and a camera taking pictures everwhere, my mother with the food, steak and boiled potatoesand a bottle of hot coffee or lemonade my sister and I exploring everything and singing songs oh what a nice time