What were some of your earlier signs of progress with early learning?

I started little reader and math with my daughter at 11 months, and there have been just a few instances of “did she read that? I’m not sure…” moments, but nothing absolutely definitive. Same with the alphabet…I’ve shown her letters while saying the sounds of names almost daily (often more than daily) since somewhere near 6 months.

She could actually speak quite well at 11 months, in 5 to 7 word sentences. Around 13 months, her speach slowed dramatically as she learned to walk and at 16 months is just now returning to where it was.

She demonstrated for a stranger that she knew basic colors at 11 months (which was a surprise to me), so I’ve known she’s very bright…and again, she could speak very well quite young. I guess I’m just frustrated because I thought she’d be able to pick out letters or words, at least a little, by now. (pointing/grabbing or signing, not necessarily verbalizing)

I was pleasantly surprised today when she pointed out a few states on our wall map.

What were your little ones early progress signs?

I just wanted to encourage you, she will share with you in time! One day it will all come spilling out you will realize she know far more than you previously though. To answer your question, our earliest signs were ASL signs.

Thanks :slight_smile:

At first, my dd did not show me she was learning when we were looking at her flashcards, home made books, etc. It would come out randomly. The first time I was sure she was learning was while walking through a store. She pointed out the letter M & said " M" and the letter sound. Reading her words cards came within a couple of months of that.

I started when my son was about 5mths, from the time i start showing LR, the very first sing was, my son been happy. even now the most happiest moment in day is LR time. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: . the smile on his face is amazing so i kept him showing it at least 2 times a day or more.

However, until he was 12months he never said a world from it, but now he is 19mnths and he says few words and knows almost all actions.

I truly believe that " Been Happy" for what you do is very important.

My bb can recognize colour now. When i put 2 Blocks in my hand and ask her to choose the colour I mentioned and she did pick a correct one. I nearly cried when she managed to.

Our signs were sign language, early sorting, and early speaking - which all led to a large vocabulary.

We started with YBCR at 3 months and Baby Learns Chinese at 9 months. The earliest sign we had that she was learning to read was at 9-10 months old. She was watching YBCR and we didn’t realize the TV was set to mute. She started doing the actions and signing the words as they flashed on the screen even though she was not hearing the words. Shortly after that, I got her a lot of toy animals and play food and her favorite activity became matching words on the flashcards with the toy figures. When she was 11-12 months old, I would also give her a bunch of English and Chinese flashcards mixed together and she would match the English word with the Chinese one. The first signs we had that she was reading phonetically was at 20-21 months when she read the words “Jeep” on the street and “Cafe” in a hotel lobby - words which she had never seen before. She started reading the Ladybird Key Words Level 1 books shortly after that.


I’ve been showing my baby flashcards and using the Little Reader software since he was about 4 months and a half. I’ve been also reading books since he was 6 weeks. At 7 months, I wanted to test his ability to recognize the words he’s familiar with. I showed him flashcards and asked him to pick up specific words, He got it right each time. I am persuaded he could read even from before. I remember I did the same but with numbers two months ago, at that age (5 mths), his subitizing performance was also perfect. He knows his colors too :slight_smile:

I only started with my child at 12 months of age - within days she showed she could read the word dog by saying “doh” and pointing at our dog. By 2 years she could read many words and was starting with sentences. She started reading books (mostly early readers) before 3 and is now becoming more fluent.