What to teach for 20 month old?

Hi Everybody,

I got 20 month old son and he is eager to read books. Being a working mother I hardly spend few hours in the evening and spend sometime during weekends.

Could anyone help me in what to teach and how to teach things to develop his intellengency…?

I had a look with download files… but still confused with which one to start with…first.

I thank you in advance.

This is my personal opinion.

I would stat with teaching your son to read as reading is the foundation of all learning. I would recommend Your Baby can read dvds and labelling things around your house so he is always seeing words, and when you read to him point to the words as you go along. This all encourages reading.

My son is 20 months old as well. I start with books that he likes with small sentences pointing to each word then I make flashcards and word wall charts of the words in the book. But now I am a stay at home mom so I have the time to do these things sometimes. But just relaxing with your child and finding the books he/she likes best, like my son loves cars is a good way to start, curling up in bed or on a rug. So I try to find books about cars. Also here is a great website for books to print that is a teacher created resources that comes with the word walls and everything for you already done.

I started off with books about his toys. I took pictures of his toys and put them into a power point slide show then printed them placing the book on shower curtain rings. He knew these items were his and he would go and find the object that i presented. I also made posters of the toy and their names under the picture and hung it up in his room where he could see it while he plays. He now points to the poster or word walls and says the words or the sounds of the pictures. Like for car he says go or v-room.

When he plays while i am cleaning house I hear him mumbling words and he pretends to read a book sitting on his favorite pillow under the window seal pointing to the words as he pretends.

Here is another website as well for online reading tha my son loves

also never try to teach a child when they are sleepy or ill it just frustrates them and then you to. My son when he gets tired wants to touch and tear up everything even his books some times.
I also found out that he likes books that are small, that fits in his hands well, and his books have to be very sturdy because he loves them so much, he wants me to read with him all the time.

For math we have books that you count with cherrios, he loves it.

I recommend trying to find ways that he can learn without your help, as you cant spend every minute of your at home time with him. So posters at eye level around the cot (crib) so he can see pictures and labels through the bars are good. And I posted (months ago) pictures of A3 laminated flashcards which I stuck up all down the hallway at baby height. Lots of words to learn there, by seeing a picture and the word labelled with it. And using Wink to learn and baby Brain flashcard DVDs which are continuous play are good, because while you arent in the room, Bubby might look up at the TV screen here and there while playing, and absorb a flash of information. And having nursery rhymes, foreign language CDs, and different music playing is stimulating their mind while they’re playing, and takes no effort. (With almost 5 kids I have to be resourceful like that, and multi-task.) Leave board books around with just pictures and word labels, no complicated story, and while playing he’ll likely pick these up, flick through, and start associating words with corresponding pictures.

What interests your son? My son loves trucks so we started with all the truck presentations. It really got his interest and he liked looking at the computer. Then I was able to expand what I offered. I don’t think it really matters where you start. Everything that you do is helping him, even if it is only a few minutes a day. We only spend 10 minutes looking at presentations most days, and less than that on the weekends.

And there are toys that teach while they play, without your involvement. Some involve pressing buttons that teach words, letters, numbers, shapes or play songs or animal noises. And some cuddly toys teach body parts when pressed on that part of the body. Some dolls talk. A shape sorter and stacking toys involve having to figure out how to do a complicated task. And you can get toy clocks that help to teach Telling Time.

Carls corner was helpful thanks …

If you are lil’ pressed on time, Leafrog’s leappad with books series is good too. Babies can press onto different places on the book and it reads the books. Toys r us ususally have these leappads with books on display. You could take your child there and see if it interests him before buying. :slight_smile: