What To Teach 4 Week Old

Hi, I’m pretty new to BrillBaby. I have a 4 week old daughter, and she is so alert! I just want to know the best things to do to start her in the right direction.
We’re doing the infant stimulation flash cards, and lots of tummy time. Is there any other threads to read? I didn’t find too much, so any ideas or books to read or forum threads would be great! It’s tough, alot of the site is geared to slightly older children. Thanks alot!


Welcome to the forum! You are in the right place :wink: My suggestion is possible to read “How Smart is your Baby” by Glenn Doman. I wish I had read it when my daughter was 4 months old :tongue: lol

There are two posts that may be hepful to you:


The second one is a wonderful success history and I’m sure her post will give you great information.

Hope this helps!

I’m sure you will do great! :yes:

Thanks, both threads are great! I have one more question. Has anyone used word cards from newborn, or is it better to start at 3 months? Can they remember words now? (1month) She loves to watch YBCR, and usually will sit and actively watch for about 10-15 minutes, but I don’t know if it will do any good! Thanks everyone!

Hi!I was in exactly the same position as you! Then I bought “how smart is your baby” and “how to teach your baby to read”. These are two awesome boojs on how to stimulate your newborn. They describe exqactly the activities as well as reading material which you need to show to your baby. They say that each day not stimulating is like "pruning your babies’ brain, and they effectively lose those wonderful abilities when not used.

Essentially, there are many acitivities to increase visual, auditory, balance and language competence using various methods of stimulation. I really recommend you run out and buy these books soonest. I was really lost until I read these. My baby is now 8 weeks and I have really benefitted from them.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you have

Best of luck!

To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure of what is the right answer. :closedeyes: Maybe you can send a personal message to “pupisek”. She started with her baby very early and she may give you a better answer in that regard. If you follow what “How smart is your baby” suggests you probably will not have enough time to show your baby word cards anyways. There is a lot to do with newborns that will srimulate their brains.

Please let us know your progress. I definetly will start with my next baby as soon as he/she is born. Do you know about crawling tracks?

at this point i would think that just the stimulation is getting your baby off to a great start. not to mention your interest in encouraging the process because it means a lifetime of positive feelings around learning. since you are really in your last trimester of her development she is still learning how to be on the ‘outside’ and everything that that brings with it i wouldn’t think that there is too much more she has to fit in right now. as for remembering it all… well, you won’t know until she is ready to tell you be it next month or at 2 years so have lots of patience and belief that you are doing good. and don’t forget most of all just to enjoy this time. they grow from the smoosh stage so quickly it gets hard to remember what it was like!


This age is the easiest teaching time. You dont have to do a lot of effort, just make sure they have a lot of infant stimulation cards to look at, and music to listen to, and some crawling time…once you start using flashcards then your work has really begun.

Some where on here are photos of pupisek’s nursery with infant stimulation cards on the wall. Dont know where…

Hi guys
what is infant stimulation card and what does it do!!!
sorry if my question is STUPID!
i am a new mom, i want to do the best for my little girl :slight_smile:



Welcome to the forum!!! :smiley: There are not stupid questions here, we are all learning and there is so much information that there is always room for new questions :biggrin:

Please click in the link below. You will have good information about infant stimulation cards and also you will find some files in case you want to print some for your baby.


Please do not hesitate to ask if you have further questions. :yes:

Hope this helps! :smiley:

Reaching 2nd month
maximizing your infant interest at two month : vision, hand and dialogue
tie lots of colourful ribbons araound his wrisrt-draw babys attention to his hand,
help babys muscle gain tone and strengt- stand him up for 10 second at a time

Things I would work on with a 4 week old-

  1. try to establish good routines for basic needs
  2. Light instrumental music by the crib for some time
  3. tummy time (which you already are doing)
  4. Spend time talking with her/him while he/she is the bouncer
  5. infant stimulation cards
  6. Sing some songs
  7. Weather permitting going out to the park for strolls
    8)Towards the second month- more of visual stimulation with small toy (1-2 toys , not more)
  8. Sensory stimulation by giving him/her textured blanket/toy to hold
  9. Just cuddle your child and watch her, devour every minute, they grow up too quickly
    I would not have her/him view any TV or word cards at this time. Their nervous system is not ready for that.
    Having said that , just like octaviaorca , I would say you are doing good
    at this time. Enjoy this time.

thank you for the site, im down loading it as we speak…i always wondered about those stimualtion cards
i could b\never understand them :rolleyes:
im going to see what my Gharam will do.
do u know where i can down load more video clips for wild animals beside the ones they have on the program!!

thanks again

Hi everyone, here is the link with the pictures and information about infant stimulation posters on the wall of our nursery room. Martina


I’m not sure where you can find more of the wild animals videos. I’m sorry :frowning:

Regarding infant stimulation cards, I’m glad you were able to print them. Someone just posted a lot of links for infant stimulation cards and you may find some other interesting stuff in this website. This is the link to the threat:


Pupisek’s pictures will give you a great idea on how to lay them out.

I’m sure your teaching is going great! :slight_smile: